Jsack's Mom's Blog

Welcome to my blog where I share my special needs parenting journey with my heart, truth, and love, one story at a time. ❤️

Be the Change

on October 15, 2014

I feel like crying today, no one wanted to get up for school today. Myself included, we’ve had a 5 day weekend so it was slow moving this morning.
Then we walked to school in the pouring rain. That definitely woke me up but didn’t do a damn thing for my mood. I watched all the kids line up this morning for the bell to ring and I saw that boy that bullied my son. He was talking to him and pushing another kid so I yelled at him to stop. He didn’t hear me, then he started poking my son in the chest so I yelled even more. He didn’t hear me, or chose not to so I yelled at the Captain to tell him to back off. He did, then the bell rung I wanted to march right in there and lose my ever loving mind on this kid!!! That proves to me that the school Administration never talked to this kid, because if they did he’d leave my son alone wouldn’t he? I chose to go home with my cranky, tired hungry toddler (lethal combination) in the rain. So now I sit here writing this and I feel like crying, screaming, and cursing. So many people are struggling in this world. Financially, emotionally, and mentally and being empathic I feel it all. My beloved Mom always told me to never fear my tears, because they’re pearls of wisdom. I always loved that saying, and she understood when life got too hard I could have a nice cup of tea, a good cry, and a big laugh and I’d feel better. It’s always been the Irish way. I always admired that way of thinking. It just seemed easier than all the doom and gloom stuff I put myself through.
All’s not well with the world, there’s greedy corporate companies taking instead of giving, syphoning funds from the public sector, a scary threat of the Ebola virus in the US, financial ruin in all walks of life. My heart hurts for the world and I want to help everyone. It’s times like these where I sing that Barenaked Ladies song. 🎶 If I had a million dollars and I think to myself what would I do? I would be a humanitarian, well more than I am now. I’d build houses for the homeless, grow community gardens for the hungry, feed, clothe and shelter the poor and unfortunate. So I’ll start in my little corner of the world, make a donation to the food bank, drop off clothes to the thrift store, and start changing the world in my way one cup of tea at a time.

5 responses to “Be the Change

  1. 80smetalman says:

    Oh Jeanine, it’s awful that your son is still being bullied and the school seems to be doing nothing about it. I went through a similar thing with my younger son when he was in Year 7. They kept telling us that it was six of one and half dozen of the other because my son actually stood up for himself. It wasn’t before the bullies stood on my son’s head and pelted him with oranges that they finally acted. I hope it doesn’t go that far for you and the school does something.


    • jsackmom says:

      I’m hurt, anger, and so very tired. But I’m not giving up I’ve been documenting everything and I will be talking to the school again. I’m also going to let this bully know he picked on the wrong kid. The next stop will be the papers. Headline will read Mama bear on a rampage. 😉


  2. 80smetalman says:

    Good for you! BTW, I have an update from my “Another Victory for the Bullies” post which I will be writing in a moment.


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