Jsack's Mom's Blog

Welcome to my blog where I share my special needs parenting journey with my heart, truth, and love, one story at a time. ❤️


I was born into a big family there’s a large age difference between my oldest siblings and myself. I was born to parents in their forties and I was  soon to be known as the “favourite.” My middle sister was four when I was born and I think quite used to being the youngest of the family. I came along and she was excited as she was excited to be having a baby brother. When my parents arrived home with me she said I was nice, but take me back because she wanted Jimmy. I still smile about that story when I hear or think of it. Shortly after that my Dad got our dog Bo who I wrote about here  http://wp.me/s46h5g-pet 

I have two sons and I don’t have a favourite. I love certain qualities about them both. They’re both my precious boys and I love them so much my heart aches. I tell my oldest he’s my favourite Captain (I insert his birth name) and how he makes me laugh and ponder the most inquisitive things that he asks me about life. I love his fabulous talent, ability to deconstruct something and fix it again. How he understands technology and can explain it in terms others can understand. His love of entertainment and how he can break into a song and dance at any given moment. He doesn’t show this side to everyone which makes it even more special.  I say to my youngest you’re my favourite Mad dog (once again he has a birth name.) I love his marvelous wit, sense of humour, his beautiful, melodic voice while he spins everything into a song. The ability he has to turn anything he’s doing into a joyful and fun event. He makes others feel better just being around him. The most favourite thing I adore about my kids is how much they love each other. 

Their favourite place to hang out is together. ❤️

I believe it’s important not to choose favourites in regards to my family. My Mom told me even with having six children she would never choose a favourite. She had favourite things she loved about each of us. I reminded her of how she was as a child. I appeared shy at first then I would talk the ear off of anyone. My love of books and the written word I owe to her. She loved that I enjoyed losing myself in my books and adventures of my heroes and heroines. My Dad has favorite things he loves too about his children. He loves that I didn’t back down from a statement or thought. I entertained him with stories I wrote and songs I had sung. He always said I missed my calling in Nashville and being a lawyer, because of how much I love to sing and argue. 

I enjoy having my favourite things around me like my family, friends, books, bottle of wine and drinking it without whining. If I can sit, read, and write these are my favourite things to do. I appreciate that my family give me the time and space so I can pursue these interests. Spending time outdoors walking, hiking, geocaching, and cloud watching while laying in my backyard. It’s these little things in life that my favourite people help me enjoy. Watching my favourite movies brings me joy. I couldn’t contain my delight when I found Casablanca and Singing in the rain on sale for $5 each! The closer we get to spring I’m looking forward to getting back to enjoying my favourite past time of gardening. Getting my hands and feet in the soil fills my heart with the healing green energy my soul so desperately needs. Planting flowers around my new home and making it really my own with my favourite roses, lilies, tulips, and sweet peas. 


In my happy place. 😊❤️📚


Those beautiful summer days spent basking in the sunshine running, playing, sandcastle building fill my love bucket right up. Sitting by the fire on a warm evening sipping a beverage, and roasting marshmallows and hot dogs. Watching my kids laughing, playing, and enjoying the freedom that summer brings. We will have a magical summer season this year. Last year we were so busy with packing, waiting, unpacking, and making our brand new house a home. It’s those favourite things that make me sing that Sound of Music song but my own version.  

🎶 Reading and writing and wine drinking evenings. 

Time with my children and cupcake leavings. 

Fresh books are like heaven and hugs with my love. 

These are a few of my favourite blessings above. 🎶

What are a few of your favourite things? 

This is my submission to Sunday Confessions with the lovely http://www.morethancheeseandbeer.com. Please check out her anonymous confession on her Facebook page. And the other talented writers who link up. Thank you for singing along with me today. 🌟


Friday Feats and Fails 

Hello Friday where have you been? I’ve been searching for you since Monday and couldn’t find you. Whenever you show it up its so wonderful and when you leave I’m so sad. Let’s enjoy the time we have together before another twenty four hour day comes and whisks you away.


I had a great weekend wrap up to my Captain’s hockey season. On the Saturday it was the Dad’s versus the kids game. My husband was the goalie for the kids side. Every time one of them scored he skated to the blue line and high fived them. The Captain loved playing hockey with his Dad, and  I could see and feel his pride. *Sigh* how I love that man with all my heart. ❤️ On Sunday we had a wind up party at the pool. We swam, soaked, dived, played, and slid on the waterslide. It was an absolute blast, I even ran into an old work friend I hadn’t seen in ten years!!!  A great day shared with great company. I can’t wait till the next hockey season. Now onto to decide what the next sport will be. Soccer, baseball, golf, or lacrosse. The choices are endless in the big city!


I had to deal with some confusion in regards to my youngest son’s health journey. I applied for finding through my province and received back a letter stating I didn’t have enough medical information. So I contacted my Paediatrician to ask her help. She got very ignorant with me and told me she couldn’t give me a diagnostic letter. I told her I wasn’t asking for that, I was asking for her to write up a letter stating that she made referrals to the children’s hospital. She said she put the referrals in and I needed to be patient and wait and get a diagnostic letter from the neuropsychologists. I responded I don’t want to wait I’m only going to be a case file till the end of May and I’ll have to apply again! She responded with more ignorance and said she could write me up a letter but it’s not covered by my insurance. I just need something that says she’s tested my child and the referrals are going through for more tests. So that will be $100 dollars for two letters ugh I’ve never wanted to throat punch someone so badly before! 😡


Ive managed to keep my house fairly clean and get out and enjoy some beautiful spring weather. I also did a meet and greet in town where I didn’t know a soul. I even made some new friends and I went to geocaching three times this week. I love treasure hunting and finding little treasures its so much fun. My kids love it too, especially my youngest as he adds new treasures to his collection. 😊


I managed to have ten clean laundry baskets throughout the week so yay me!!! I have four folded, three put away, and three to be folded. I’m totally owned by my bitch laundry. It’s just easier to light a match and walk away. Either that and walk around naked, I’d probably have to invent some creative excuse as to why I was. 😉

I wish I had this sink , I’d spend a lot more time in my laundry room. 😉🍷


I was brave this week I stood up for my beliefs and didn’t allow the professionals to dictate to me what I was thinking or saying. I resisted the urge to throat punch bitches, and pushed back when I felt cornered. I crossed my hurdle and started seeing a therapist. I wrote from my heart even though it pained me. It was for the #1000 speak compassion movement called building from bullying. I verbally puked that story out of me as I wrote about my experience of being bullied for a year in high school. I’ve been so fortunate to have it published on the http://www.originalbunkerpunks.com. And my lovely friend bought me a t-shirt to celebrate. I made some new friends and connected with old ones. If you look up in the dictionary for the definition of brave you’ll find my picture. I’ve also been blessed to be nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award from the fabulous https://one mothertoanother.com.  I also guest blogged for https://happylifeaholic.com. My 1000 speak story can be read here 


My guest post can be read here



Rocking my new OBP t-shirt. 😃❤️


I’ve been fortunate to be co-host this segment Friday’s Feats and Fails recently with the lovely http://www.morethancheeseandbeer.com. And my big fail is not getting my link up in time and to share and promote within social media. I have no excuse but to say I got so busy with trying to complete a book review project, planning my Mad dog’s birthday party, and ran out of time and sleep doing all the above!!! I haven’t been a very good sister and I’ve needed to make apologies for that. I’ve judged a friend harshly for the decisions she’s made, and with zero patience left in my bucket I’ve yelled at my kids, husband, and anyone else who pissed me off.😣


 I took a personal day on Wednesday and read all day. I of course parented and enjoyed myself immensely. I need to have more days like that. I was reading the sequel anthology to I just want to pee alone. Oh my sides still ache from laughing and my eyes are red and swollen from crying. Funny, touching, hilarious, and a much needed feel good book. You can read my reviews over at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Special thanks to the awesome http://www.tracyontherocks.com who’s featured in this fabulous book for this wonderful opportunity. Please check out her latest blog post that has the links to all of the lovely Jen Mann books. 😘❤️


I want to be in the next group with these amazing, funny, talented, group of writers! I’m fangirl crushing on all of them. ❤️


My cousin and her family have been home from the hospital for a week tomorrow. Amazing Grace has been growing well, putting on weight, catching up on sleep, and doing so incredible. Thank you to everyone for sharing/contributing to the Go fund me. All the proceeds will go to providing whatever services, and baby supplies that Grace will needed. And thank you to everyone for all your prayers and support. My family is so grateful for all the kindness bestowed on their precious baby girl. 💖

It’s link up time tell me how your week was. 💞


Writer’s Quotes Wednesday

Inspiration from Starbucks 


My inspiration from Starbucks


This has been my submission to https://silverthreading.com. It’s amazing what some free time and a cup of chai will do! Please check out her wonderfulness and all the other talent who link up. Thank you.  💓


One Liner Wednesday 

I’ve been enjoying some spring weather in my part of Canada and on Monday I went out geocaching with my husband and our youngest son. We had a set of stairs to climb and he eagerly conquered the challenge. His Dad and I were following closely behind when he reached the top stair. He turned around and yelled at the top of his lungs

“I’m king of the world !”
This has been my submission to https://Lindaghill.com One Liner Wednesday. Please check out her contribution, as well as all the other talent who link up. Thank you. 💓




My favourite place at the end of my day is in my husband’s arms. He makes me feel safe, loved, and cherished. We’ve been together a long time it’s hard for me to imagine life before him. There was a time when I didn’t feel safe to give my heart to anyone. I had countless boyfriends cheat on me and still want a relationship with me. That’s not how I operate its loyalty, monogamy, or nothing. I had a very verbally abusive ex who I began to not feel safe with. At first when we were dating everything was great, than that nagging feeling in the back of my thoughts will plague me. As the relationship progressed I thought I could change things when I he became sullen and moody. I wouldn’t talk when he wanted quiet, I wouldn’t talk to anyone when he wanted me by his side. We had one class together in high school and I was intrigued by him. He was a two  years older than me and I wasn’t shy and made friends easily. He liked what he saw in me so we began dating. At first it was new, fun, and exciting then like everything in life the bloom was fading from the rose. He started to show his true colors through his jealousy. I thought that I could change him by changing myself. This became a pattern of my obsession to improve myself. Better hair, makeup, clothes, and becoming fitter. I began to not recognize that person in the mirror as I slept less, ate more, and worked out religiously. In his kind moments that were fleeting, he’d tell me I looked so good I was good enough to eat. I didn’t really know what to think of that, I was 16 years old and never thought of myself as I prey before… It was really bizarre I remember one time hanging out with him and we were in his car. He was kissing and cuddling and watching the luminescent moon over the water. It was beautiful and romantic but it escalated quickly to tugging, pulling, and pinning me down. He wanted much more than I was willing to give. I of course said no loud and clear and he continued to press me further. I felt cornered and I came out fighting and punched him in the face and got out of the car. I started to run but he had my leg and my shoe came off in his hand. It was dark, scary, rocky, and I felt very unsafe. I didn’t know where I was as this was the first time I had been to this area.  I managed to climb up on some rocks while he tried to talk me down. I could smell him and see his thick, shrouded, aura emanating from him as he walked away. He got in his car and he left, roared out of there while I was huddled up on a rock in a skirt and sandals. I stayed up there and prayed for some resolution. These were the days before everyone had cell phones to capture their every move. I knew I couldn’t spend the night there and I was going to be in a lot of trouble because it was way past my curfew. I started to climb down and make my way across the rocks to the road. My feet were so sore and I had developed a blister. I was so scared and longed for the safety of my home and my bed. I trudged on and tried to shield myself from the icy cold wind blowing off the water. All I had to cover myself was my jean jacket. I was dressed to attend a dance which I did that my boyfriend was working at. I continued walking along the road praying that someone safe would find me. Suddenly there was bright lights heading towards me and I continued walking, then the car drove past me and I could hear tires squealing as it headed towards me. I ran as fast as I could and I heard music blaring then dead silence. I wasn’t safe but I knew I needed help. Then I heard my name being called it was my boyfriends friend and he told me he was looking all over for me. He was told I had a bitch fit and ran away. He drove me back home and I talked less and listened more. I felt relieved to be able to escape that debacle. I knew my ex was moody, was used to getting his own way, and every intuitive thought screamed at me to run not walk, away from him. As soon as I arrived home and thanked my ride for rescuing me I sat down and took a hard look at my life. I wrote down five things that I wanted for myself. 

  • 1. I wanted to feel safe. 
  • 2. I wanted to be with someone who loved, respected, and cared about my well being. 
  • 3. I wanted to feel comfortable in my own skin. 
  • 4. I needed to take care of myself mentally, emotionally, and physically. 
  • 5. I would never try to change a person again, and pay more attention to my empathic feelings. 

I took this list and then wrote a letter goodbye. I read it to my ex and we parted ways. There was apologies and attempts to win me over with charm and gifts. I looked at the list I had made and stuck to my guns, and didn’t give in. Fast forward twenty-five years in time and I’ve met, fallen in love, and created a life with a wonderful man who is on my list. He’s my soft, safe, place to fall when my world is scary. He loves, respects, and cares about my well being as well as our children. My husband makes me feel comfortable in my skin by showing me he’s comfortable in his. He gives me outlets to take care of myself mentally, emotionally, and physically. And when I’m not he makes sure I get more sleep, flowers, chocolate, dessert, and movie nights for just the two of us. I never try to change him, I just love him for who he is. Sure there are times I wish he’d fold some laundry, but that’s  minor in the long term view of our relationship. He helps me be a better, woman, wife, Mom, and friend. And knowing that he loves all of me, even the scary parts of my personality is a gift. I feel safe in knowing I’m loved and safe with him. 💗

This has been my submission to http://www.morethancheeseandbeer.com Sunday confessions. Which I know it’s Thursday now. I wrote and saved it but couldn’t find it till now. Please check out the anonymous confession on Ash’s Facebook page and all the other talent that link up. Thank you. 💕 



I got my eye on you

I peek out from behind my pillow and I say I can see you peekaboo. And I’m met with the most beautiful smile and infectious laughter. We’ve been playing this game since my son was a baby. It never gets old as I add in puppets, different voices, and stuffed animals to join the party. His favourite thing to do now is put on a puppet show for our family. We sit down on the couch eagerly awaiting whatever joyful exuberance he has woven together. “Ladies and gentleman today we’re here for Mickey’s play house puppet show!” 

The happiness I see on his face as he jumps wildly in the air from his mini trampoline fill my heart to the brim. He uses different characters and voices to entertain. How he plays, acts, and draws you in with his cute little voice sounding like a soprano when female, and then low and guttural when he switches characters to masculine. He is living in themoment and you can’t help but get swept up in his love of drama and all things Disney. One moment he’s singing the Hot Dog, hot diggity dog song next he’s singing Let it go at the top of his lungs! My son’s joy is music he lets it fill him up with the tones, lyrics, and rhythm. 


   Having fun trying on Dad’s goalie helmet. 😃💛 

He picks out music patterns quicker than any other child his age. Something that his former music teacher was astounded by. It didn’t surprise me though music is a beautiful sensory experience. And one thing my son knows how to do is enjoy any positive sensory experience he can. So peekaboo never gets old as I pop around corners and say “I’ve got my eye on you, peekaboo.” He will pop out the pantry, underneath a blanket, or from behind a couch cushion. He lives for the surprise, joy, and play. He will curl up in my lap and will ask me to sing him a song. I’ll start the first few bars of Twinkle, twinkle and he’ll finish it. I love hearing his sweet gentle voice, that rises and falls, with the flow of the music. 

My son will ask me for his favourite tune which he calls the “Yes song.” Most of you know it by Meatloaf’s You took the words right out of my moth. He will sing right along with me, and answer affirmatively when I ask him if he he would offer his throat to the wolf with the red roses. He adores this song and when we go out to do errands he yell “yes song please Mommy!” My son’s love of life and keeping his eye on the wonderful things like puffy clouds that look like dinosaurs, sparkles that act like fairy dust, and whip cream that tickles his nose, when he drinks his hot chocolate. He makes me catch my breath with love and wonder when I see the magic of life through his eyes. 

  He constantly teaches me new things when we take a walk and play eye spy with my little eye. He see things that others don’t see eagles nests high up in the trees, and a fish flopping on the rocks trying to make it back into the water. How he can dance circles around the room when he hears a beat that just makes him move and groove fills my heart. He teaches me as much as I teach him at the tender age of almost four. I look into his eyes and see love there and it makes me want to be a better person than I was yesterday. I love him so, and if you’ll excuse me it’s time to play another rousing game of Peek-a-boo I see you.

This has been my submission for https://lindaghill.com SOCS please see what she wrote and all the other talent that link up. Thank you. 💕 


#1000Speak-Building from  Bullying 

I’ve been through a lot in my life but you wouldn’t know it unless you read my blog, or I decided to share with you. I’ve lived my life to be a kind, honest, and caring person. I was taught to be loving and patient even when others were not. I was taught to protect the weak and vulnerable, and cheer for the underdog. I’ve learned to turn the other cheek, and push through the pain and turn it into power. 

When I became a victim of bullying it turned my world upside down. I lived in a very small community so if anyone found out you were doing things outside of this bubble you became local gossip fodder. It wasn’t like I was doing anything wrong I was hanging out with my cousin in a bigger town, going to hockey games, and dating a hockey player. When the kids in my school heard about these things it became a mission to tear me down for having a life outside of my country existence. I can’t even begin to describe what I went through day in and day out with the taunting, teasing, and bullying.

I was only thirteen and the things I had to hear, defend, and ignore about myself were devastating. There was a group of boys and they had a ring leader and he made it his mission to make my life miserable. I wasn’t ugly, mean, ignorant, or self righteous but he was. He had everyone convinced that I was gutter trash and wasn’t worth the kindness of a smile, pat on the back, or acknowledgement for any talent. I was a volleyball player and I was good at my sport. I had all these girls from my grade and one above as my team mates. But no one spoke to me except my coach and my assistant.

If my lead bully saw anyone talking to me then they would suffer his wrath as well. So no one dared incur that, and it was easier to make rude comments or ignore me completely. I still continued to play volleyball and I had a couple friends that would talk to me and be seen in public with me, that were in a grade below me. This disgusting, defeating, behaviour only occurred in my classroom. In between classes I could mix in with the swarm of other kids filling up the hallway to get to their next classes. I enjoyed that anonymity even with however brief it was.  There was this time I went to my locker before gym and had noticed that it  had been tampered with.

Someone had splashed something on it and smeared across the door was the words bitch slut! I was born and raised Catholic so I was the furthest from those derogatory terms. I opened up my locker and saw my binders had all been opened up and papers were everywhere, and my wallet was also missing. I was pissed off and I felt the hot, salty, tears run down my face. My teacher came up behind me and told me to go to the office to report it, so I did. Then I walked out to gym class and in between there and the school was a corridor and I sat there on the steps, trying to process my anger. I had my head in my hands wondering what I was going to do I was ready to cry again, when I felt I was being watched. I looked up and this girl who was a fair weather friend came up to me. She leaned over and said “I saw your locker and it’s too bad that you didn’t get your wallet back, I guess you won’t need this anymore!”

It suddenly clicked in my head that she was responsible as she was holding a picture of my boyfriend in his hockey gear. I flew across the stairs and grabbed her and started punching her in the face. I then grabbed and pushed her into a wall and started banging her face off it. She was frantically trying to fight back but I was possessed with a rage of a thousand moments of being bullied. Classes were ending and people started coming through the corridor. I was still punching and kicking and she began crying and screaming for someone to help her.

Suddenly the principal was there and he was pulling me off of her. He was shocked as well as the school secretary, who always knew me as being kind. This wasn’t the same girl who walked into the school and said good morning to all the staff. In the office, passing them in the hallway, and each of their classrooms. I had attended this school system since Kindergarten so I knew everyone very well. I had to sit in detention with the bitch/thief and she sat there with an ice pack over her eye and glared at me, as we faced each other across the room.

I still wanted to bash her face in as she looked at me smugly as our parents were called to come pick us up. My Dad was working and my Mom didn’t drive, and I refused to go anywhere with my Step Mom so I sat in the office the rest of the day. I had to write out an apology letter to my victim and I was still very angry so I remember wording it as I’m sorry you couldn’t defend yourself after you broke into my locker. I’m sorry that you were such a bitch and I had to kick your ass and I got caught. I was suspended for five days and my Mom sent me to my Grandparents so I could have a break from our community gossip circle jerk.

I welcomed it, attended church, looked after the garden, and helped my Gram with meals. She knew I wasn’t a bad kid I was just tired of being bullied. I just wanted to live my life and not hurt anyone. Enjoy seeing my boyfriend play hockey games, go to his house for homemade Italian meals while his Grandma said “mange, mange your’e too skinny.” While I was at my Grandparents I saw a lot of him. He lived not too far away and he’d walk up and meet me after school. I also went to church and asked God to forgive me for my sins, anger, and bad temper. I was taught by my parents that I didn’t start a fight, but I sure finished one if it was brought to my side of the equation. I didn’t get punished from them as I think they were surprised that their sweet, smiling, studious, daughter finally snapped. The victim that had taken the ignorance, defamation, and horrendous behaviour for a year became the bully.

This is not something I’m proud of but I’m neither ashamed. I feel compassion for that confused, hurt, pissed off, teenager I was. I learned my lesson and today I’m a stronger, capable, and confident adult. I don’t let anyone step on my feelings or crush my spirit. I know when situations and people aren’t good for me as I trust my intuition a lot more. Now knowing my own child had to experience being teased, hit, and bullied, has ignited the fire of that child I was. I’ve advocated with the office administration, his teacher, and have even reprimanded his bully. I will not let the sins of the Mother, visit the son.

I teach both of my son’s to stand up for themselves, don’t instigate the fight, but definitely protect themselves. Now in the school system students use the W.I.T.S. program. The acronym stands for walk away, ignore, talk to someone, seek help. Since my son has been playing hockey he’s more confident in himself. And no one gets away with hitting him, teasing him, or bullying him. I will be that parent on the playground watching and waiting and he knows that I have his back always. My cup of compassion runs over with my children, and I am that Mama bear protecting my cubs. But my patience bucket is empty when it comes to bullies, their lack of intelligence, their own self hatred, and fear of not measuring up in society. So I pass down the golden wisdom to my kids that my beloved Mama would always say to me, “love many, trust few, and always paddle your own canoe.” I’m spending more of my time doing this. It’s so easy to get wrapped up into who we were in the past. The true courage is surviving that, and thriving with that knowledge in the present. ❤️


Friday’s Feats and Fails

Hello Friday where have you been all week? I have been waiting all week for today. I look forward to relaxing with my family and since my Netflix is still MIA I’ve bought a couple more movies. I wish I could figure out how to fix it. So now I have to take the time to contact the company and see if they can help me. I’ve banned my children from touching the remote controls so when I do get this resolved it won’t happen again. Well enough about that let’s chat about my week.


Last weekend was a fun skating day at the Captain’s arena and he had fun shooting slap shots with his team mates. We had a relaxing Sunday of playing, reading, writing, and movie watching. On Monday I had a great meeting and managed to cross a few things off my giant to do list. Then on Tuesday I had respite and I did some shopping and got my hair done. It was four months of growth and it was a relief to see it gone! My bangs were eight inches long and I had zero style, except wearing an awesome hat. Who would’ve thought that all that hair was weighing down my spirit?!


A before and after picture of my hair cut. I felt so great I could’ve bench pressed a Buick.! 😃


Laundry, laundry, laundry, I believe that’s enough said. I got five loads folded and still need to put away. Now there’s another five waiting in the wings. My friends is their life after laundry? I would say yes, but I’ve been to park everyday this week to provide fun and OT to my Mad dog. It’s been great enjoying the sunshine but nothing is getting done. 😳


My cousin and her family got amazing news and were able to go home this week. Little Amazing Grace is off the bottle and completely breastfeeding. She was released from the hospital on the Sunday weighing 4 lbs, 4 oz. and after being home for five days she’s already up to her birth weight of 4 lbs, 11 oz!!! Her cardiologist appointment showed nothing wrong with her heart, and the Doctor’s are impressed with her feeding. For a baby that had the odds stacked against her and specialists were foreseeing what she could and couldn’t do, she is not only surviving she is thriving!!! Amazing Grace is a testament to the human spirit, of never giving up. The doctor’s can never predict that capacity of strength or the love that heals.  I look forward to the updates on Facebook and recently there’s been a Go fund me account set up for all the services that Amazing Grace will need. Such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech and language therapy. As well as what’s needed for her daily baby needs. Thank you for all your love, support, and prayers. My cousin and her fiancé are appreciative of all the love shown to their precious Amazing Grace. 💖



Amazing baby Grace day 1 in the hospital💖


Baby Amazing Grace sleeping peacefully at home in her crib. I love her so much. 💗


I haven’t had a lot of sleep lately, so many things on my mind and the fear of the unknown can keep me awake. I know I can’t control the future and it doesn’t make sense to worry about it. But I’m just a overwhelmed Mom that gets scared sometimes and my banged up, bruised, bandaged, heart shows through. With the sleep deprivation and exhaustion setting in my patience bucket starts to empty. I had a long day yesterday and I just wanted to make the Captain’s lunch, and watch my Grey’s Anatomy. I’m a fanatic about that show and I never miss it. After picking me up from the city and getting home late my kids were still up and hyper. I finally got them to bed at 9 pm. Not usually there bed time so they were over tired and getting their second wind. I went downstairs and got ready to watch tv and then I couldn’t find the remote. DVD’s without any cases were strewn about, popcorn, and granola bars wrappers everywhere; andit looked like it puked Toys R Us!!! I started yelling, cursing, and cleaning. Which caused everyone to get upset and then my husband found the remote and set up the tv for me. I appreciated his help especially after my verbal tirade. So I finally relaxed and decompressed while watching some TV. Welcome to life in my world, where we roll with the punches and I donate to my swear jar daily.


Did Derek cheat on Meredith? Or did these lovely ladies just hear me swearing? ☺️


Even when we think we know the future even for a second it changes. Assuming the worst can happen, or we step forward into the unknown and assume it will be brilliant. -Christina Yang (actress Sandra Oh)


I really hope that these two will make their long distance work? 💞


Yesterday I did some fundraising for my theatre group at the casino. I put in a long nine hour day there and got to know some more people, and secrets were shared in what I dubbed “the cage of truth.” I hadn’t seen anyone since December at our last performance so there were happy hugs and hellos exchanged. This was all positive and just what I needed to lift my spirits. 😃

So he we are back at Friday again that’s my week in review. How was yours? It’s time to link up with me and the lovely Ash from More Than Cheese and Beer. ❤️

Link Up Here:

 An InLinkz Link-up


Writer’s Quotes Wednesday 


This has been my submission to https://silverthreading.com Writer’s quotes Wednesday. Please check out her inspiration and all the other talent that link up. Thank you. 💌


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One Liner Wednesday

Friendships are wonderful, having people you can rely on, help you smile, and give their support is a precious gift. 

Signs of spring sent to me by a sweet and thoughtful new friend. 💞

When that’s missing in ones life or is sporadic it’s very lonely indeed. So I leave you with this thought. 

“Be the kind of friend you’d love to have.” 

This is my submission to https://lindaghill.com for her One Liner Wednesday. Please check out her one liner and all the other talent that link up. Thank you. 💓