Jsack's Mom's Blog

Welcome to my blog where I share my special needs parenting journey with my heart, truth, and love, one story at a time. ❤️

Writer’s Quote Wednesday

This picture captures the moment we took our youngest son golfing for the first time. I watched him here with his Dad and was overcome with so much emotion. With all the developmental challenges he’s had this achievement makes my heart sing with his greatness. ❤️

This has been my submission to Silver Threading for Writer’s Quotes Wednesday. There is so much kindness, inspiration and wisdom there please check it out. Thank you. ❤️


To my love on his birthday 

Today is a special day it’s my husband’s birthday! I know this day is very special to me, because he was born to become my love, and my life. I’ve known my husband for a long time, as he went to school with my sister. I’ve wrote about our love story here, but today I write about why I love him so much. 

You can really discover a lot about a person when you’ve known them for thirty years. Yes that’s 3-0, three decades of crushing on him and his smile that still makes the butterflies float in my tummy. My belly that housed our precious son’s and my body that nourished them through nearly 10 years of marriage. This love of mine has never wavered, for as long as I’ve known him I wanted to be his one and only. 


 Now he slumbers peacefully as I’m too excited to sleep and need to write this. I adore him so much, when others saw a little punk kid trying to look grown up; he saw the real me batting my blue eyes. I only told my Mom and Gram of my crush on him. I wouldn’t even tell my sister for fear I might get teased. If you have an older sibling you know what I’m writing about. 
My Mom and Gram would never tell my secret and I never would tell my love either. Well, until many years ago when after a few drinks shared I couldn’t contain my enthusiasm for the truth! I was only 12 when we met that fateful and happy day at a hockey game. He was 17 playing hockey and ready to graduate. I didn’t care though I saw him and he captured my interest and my heart. 

It didn’t matter what our age difference was I believed if it was meant to be it would. He moved away right after graduation but I kept tabs on him through mutual friends. Then I found out he moved away to another province and I moved there as well before graduation. I tried to find him but alas, it wasn’t meant to be. Then I moved back to my hometown to cure myself from my homesickness and graduate with my friends. 

I found out through my cousin that my love had moved back too! I kept a low profile as I was preparing for exams. I still had an interest in seeing him after all those years. I had done some growing up of my own and I wasn’t that kid sister anymore. Then as fate would have it he literally walked back into my life. It was at a friend’s birthday party and I was bouncing and battening  and making sure my friend’s apartment wasn’t getting trashed. Then I see him and all my care taking and “Mother henning behaviour flew out the window! My heart was captured once again and this time I wasn’t letting this prize winning catch go. We stayed up the rest of the night talking, laughing, and yes even sobering up. 

He had to go to work the next day and I had to clean up after the party. We parted ways but we’re content on seeing each other again. Back to school and reality, and phone numbers exchanged and no phone calls were made. Well I did some serious thinking and praying and a week later I called him. I was excited and nervous so I made the date to meet some friends at the theatre. 

That date was a lifetime ago and I still remember it like it was yesterday. What I wore, the smell of his cologne, and the movie we watched. My mind and my heart will never forget that first tender, soft, kiss that left me with all the romantic stereotypes. Weak in the knees, butterflies, and breathless and wanting more! That’s what happens when two energies collide, pure pulsating magic. 

It wasn’t always easy as there were naysayers on both sides of the coin that said we would never last. And here we are outlasting a lot of those marriages that came to be before ours. I still remember the best compliment we ever received was from my husband’s aunt. 

“I would never know you were together for a long time. It’s like you both just met and have fallen in love and it’s a privilege to witness that.”

I will never forget that compliment nor the 200 people who came out to celebrate on our wedding day. To my husband, my heart, twin soul, and lover for life. Happy birthday and  thank you for blessing mine and our sweet son’s life with your love. You are loved, respected, and appreciated and are our gift to have everyday. ❤️ 




Ten Things of Thankful

It surprises me that Sunday is already here! I feel like the summer days are passing me by too fast. So time to harness some fun and thankfulness out of them before they’re gone. I love this time of week for the tribe of Lizzi’s TTOT who inspire and lift me up with angels wings. ❤️

1. I’m thankful for lessons of respect and compassion learned by both my son’s and myself. We learned we need to use our words more and yell in frustration less. And when we’re feeling vulnerable doing things to fill each other’s kindness bucket is a wonderful way to fix that. 

2. I’m thankful for summer camp and all the cool crafts that my son is making there. He comes home with such pride and smiles which makes me so happy he’s having fun being creative there.

3. I’m thankful for the playtime I get to enjoy at the playground with my youngest son while his brother is in camp. We have made some new friends and reconnected with old ones. He’s so excited to have that one on one time with me again and some am I. 

4. I’m thankful for keeping up with my fitness schedule and feeling stronger with each workout. I did some really intense sessions and needed a couple of rest days. I was proud of myself though because interval and plyomeyrics training is something I haven’t done for a long time. 

5. I’m thankful that I was able to catch up on my never ending laundry basket. There’s weeks where I’m her bitch, and days where she’s mine. #winningthisweek. 😉

6. I’m thankful that I had a lazy day yesterday and got to watch a marathon of one of my favourite tv series Hell on Wheels. It was filmed in my province and I look forward to hiking in the country that’s showcased on the series. 

 7. I’m thankful for my family who I love and friends who have become family. I’ve always been a friendly person, but to be told that I’m missed, my words have touched hearts, and I’m the only friend who is still there in the end makes me feel warm and fuzzy with love. 

8. I’m thankful for golden opportunities that are presented to me when I just think positive and believe in myself and my abilities. 

9. I’m thankful that family holidays can begin and my husband and I have been planning ways to surprise our kids and enjoy our time off. 

10. I’m thankful for my husband and his pitching in around the house and rallying our little troops to help. It didn’t look like I had accomplished anything with keeping clean and tidy home. Toys strewn about and popcorn and cereal remnants littered my floors and threatened my patience. So the team went to work and this Mama is a happy camper. 



Writer’s Quotes Wednesday

This is all of me on flex Friday submission to Silver Threading for Writer’s Quotes Wednesday. This is the place where I seek solace and inspiration. Please check out all the talent that resides there. Thank you. ❤️


Awards and my forgetful mind

Some time ago I was nominated for the Liebster award from the lovely Living with Batman. I set to work with the questions put it in a draft post and promptly forgot about it; due to being sleep deprived and parenting my little ones. In that time I was nominated by Fabulously Fifty/Living with Batman New World Mom, nominated me too! So here it is two for the price of one answers to their questions of getting to know Jsack Mom better. Thank you so much for these lovely women wanting to make my day a little better. 😃❤️

 Questions and rules for Liebster award

Post the award on your blog.
Thank the blogger who presented you the award and provide a link back to their blog.


Acknowledge and thank the blog who nominated you.
Look for an award image that you like, and post it on your blog

Answer the 11 questions asked by the person/blog who nominated you.

Nominate 11 blogs

Let the bloggers know that you nominated them.

Give them 11 questions to answer.

The all important Q&A 

1. Without doing an internet search, what does “Ich liebe dich” mean? Best guess.
I do know what this means, without doing a internet search. It’s “I love you” in German. My cousin speaks it and he taught me this one sentence. 

2. If you could meet one blogger, who would it be?

If I could meet one blogger I’d love to meet Punk Rock Papa. I’m in great communication with him and his lovely family a lot. But to meet them in the flesh would be the ultimate. The fun, laughter, and love for each other’s family’s would be so divine. 

3. What non-electronic device could you not live without?

I couldn’t live without my book light I love to read late at night in the dark. 

4.  What did you want to be when you grew up at age 10?

When I was 10 I wanted to be a model, it seems laughable to me now with me being so short! But I had my childhood best friend who’s cousin was a beautiful Canadian model and I idolized her Italian beauty. 

5. What is your secret indulgence?

My secret indulgence is Pinot Grigio wine with strawberries. Now you know it isn’t a secret anymore. 😉

6. What famous person has been in your dreams?

I have dreamt about Elvis Presley and Jim Morrison and having dinner with them. I ended up writing an English paper about it in high school. 

7. Which super hero would you like to be?

I would love to be the X-men’s Jane/Phoenix. Being empathic I’ve felt like her on occasion except for the psychic rages and meltdowns she incurred from having to much power and not enough self control. 

8. What age would you like to be frozen at forever?

I would rather not be frozen, but I’d go back in time to the age of 25. I look back on my own year being 25 and it was a really fun time in my life of self discovery, risk taking, and becoming comfortable in my own skin. I was old enough to know better and do better, and I wasn’t getting ID’ed anymore. 

9. What model car best describes you?

The best model I would say is an SUV a Chevy Trail Blazer. Big enough to fit a family of four and tough enough to go off roading in the bush. I’m a family oriented woman who’s strong with a soft emotional centre. 

10. Which period of time would you have liked to live in?

I would love to live in the Renaissance era. I would be friends with everyone from royalty to peasants, and wear beautiful clothes and be painted by the renaissance artists of the time. I would spend my time writing, creating art, and performing in plays and entertaining the public with my singing. 

11. If you had to give up one sense, which one would it be?

I would give up my sense of smell. I love to see colours of the rainbow, feel textures of different fabrics, and objects. I love food,  almost all types that are neither to sweet or sour. Although I would miss the ability to smell a blossoming rose or lavender oil in my bath; I could still appreciate the effects of the aromatherapy. 

Now onto the next set of questions from New World Mom. 

1.Why did you start writing/blogging?

I started blogging because I needed a place to put all my thoughts. I filled many notebooks and journals with my feelings so why not put them out there to help make sense of them. 

2. If you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?

I would love to meet the members of Fleetwood Mac and Pope Francis. Both for the same reasons too, all the love and inspiration I feel when I see them in their elements. 

3. If you could play any sport professionally what would it be?

I would play volleyball professionally. I’m very short but I used to be a decent player back in high school. 

4. What is your favourite quote?

My favourite quote is one I use everyday. 

“Follow your bliss, and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.”

-Joseph Campbell

5. What is your favourite album (front to back) of all time?

My favourite album of all time is Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours. I listen to everyday it always inspires me. 

6. Who is your biggest role model?

My biggest role model was my beloved Mama. I don’t even like saying that in a past tense although she flies with the angels. I still look to her in prayer for guidance. 

7. What cheers you up?

Instantly hearing my children’s laughter. And sweet romantic gestures from my husband. 

8. Do you believe in love at first sight?

I really do, I met my husband 30 years ago and he was the only one that gave me butterflies, rapid heartbeat, and giddy feelings of love. 

9. What is the best compliment you have ever received?

I had a handwritten note delivered to me stating I was a babeasaurus. I was working at the time, and I literally floated all the rest of my shift. 

10. Do you trust anyone with your life?

I do, and he’s always kept it very safe and protected from the uncertainties and cruelties of the world. 

11. What is your favourite word?

My favourite word is SWEET!

Now onto my nominees

Chelsea Shoots

Emmanuel Musema’s blog

Silver Lining Mama

A Momma’s view

Oh the Joys of Parenthood

Becoming his Butterfly

Chockfull of Au-some

Just a Minute my Cape’s in the dryer

Angrivated Mom

Plagued Parent

Next Life, no kids 

Questions to my nominees if you choose to accept this award. 

1. What’s makes you thrive in life?

2. What makes you smile daily?

3. Who is your biggest inspiration? 

4. Who would you love to party with, like get really drunk and disorderly with? 

5. Where is the one place you’d love to visit in the world? 

6. Where’s your favourite place to vacation?

7. Are you all about camping, hotel stays, or RVing?

8. Do you believe in the spirit world?

9. How many times have to struck out in the dating game, as in had one date and never again? 

10. What was your worst date you ever had? 

11. What is your muse for writing, or do you have one at all?


Writer’s quotes Wednesday

I walked along the path not knowing where it led. It was a new area of town  for me, and hand in hand I walked with my son eager to see what we were meant to see. Two, three, and then four deer came bounding through the forest so quickly I couldn’t even take a picture. We saw them and their gracefulness through the lens of our eyes than the camera. And what a beautiful sight it was before us.  
This has been my very late submission to Silver Threading Writer’s Quote Wednesday. Please check out all the talent and inspiration that link up. 😊


Ten things of Thankful

It’s Sunday and the day I linkup with a beautiful  group of thankful people  TTOT with Lizzi. Since I started this reflective post my life has grown and changed for the better. I’ve begun to appreciate more of what I’ve worked hard for instead of what I need, want, and should have. This has been a very  special eye opening experience and I’ve learned more about myself as the result. Connecting with like minded people have filled my heart with appreciation for their own level of gratitude and how it connects to my own. Because in the end we are all connected with our thread of human spirit. Now onto to my week of thank you’s 😃
1. I’m so thankful for a happy and productive week. My oldest son was in camp and learning about the values of the bible, kindness, and how important it is to have God in his life. 

2. I’m thankful that I was able to connect with the camps leaders that have made a difference in my son’s life. Knowing he was excited to see then each day and learning bible verses and proverbs made me so happy and grateful. 😃

3. I’m thankful that my youngest son was able to attend a camp of his own. And he’s able to reconnect with his respite worker, and we met some other parents with children with special needs. 😊

4. I’m thankful for beautiful summer weather it was a late start with cooler temperatures in May. Waking up to see the sunshine truly is my elixir in life. 

5. I’m thankful for the sunshine but today I’m also grateful for the rain. It has been needed with 34 out of control forest fires in my province. 

6. I’m thankful for the love of my husband. He’s my soft place to fall at the end of a long day, and my biggest and best, cheerleader in my life. ❤️

7. I’m thankful for my children, we hit the jackpot having them join our couple and create a beautiful family. Their laughter, smiles, and I love you’s fill me with so much love and pride it brings tears to my eyes. 💞

8. I’m thankful for early morning and late night hot tub soaks. It feels so good to relax and let those bubbles and massaging jets revamp my tired body and rejuvenate my spirit. 🌟

9. I’m thankful for keeping consistent with my fitness goals. I’m close to completing my fifth fitness challenge and I’m losing weight and gaining strength with each obstacle I face. 💖

10. I’m thankful for being published again this week! This time for my poetry at Blu Sky Collective I’m very proud of myself as I usually write that for my blog. 😃

Please help share in that reader love and check out all the wonderful thankful people that link up each week. 😃



Ten Things of Thankful

Another week to celebrate my thankfulness for all things wonderful in my life. Without further ado, on with the gratitude. 😃

1. I’m thankful that I had a wonderful Canada day celebrating with my family. We took in the festivities in not one but two parks and enjoyed music, love, laughter, and fireworks in a sea of red and white. 

2. I’m thankful that I was able to get my daily workouts in even though the weather was hot and dry. I start earlier in the day and it makes all the difference with my energy and stamina to keep up with my busy kids. 

3. I’m thankful that I had a lovely weekend away celebrating my nieces wedding. There really couldn’t have been a better day and venue for a wedding on a mountain top!

4. I’m grateful that my kids took to each new experience they encountered this week with joy and discovery. From riding the chairlift, standing on a mountain top, being still and quiet so everyone could enjoy the wedding vows, taking the trip back and forth from home, hotels, and back home again. 

5. I’m grateful for all the time I spent laughing, loving, and enjoying my family’s company. My siblings are a really wonderful group of people collectively with a sense of humour, intelligence, and kindness. I’m very proud to be part of that circle of love. 

6. I’m grateful for the beautiful weather, mountain top views, nature, sunshine, and God’s blessings to enjoy and appreciate it all. 

7. I’m thankful for new friends made, old ones rekindled, and family’s getting together to celebrate a couple in love. 

8. I’m thankful for hotels late in the night for weary travellers, room service for a hungry family, and hot showers after a long tiring day. 

9. I’m thankful for completing all my work tasks for Bloggy Throwback, even with scant amounts of wifi. And for being featured and published myself as a writer. You can check it out Here

10. I’m thankful for the love of my husband who treated us to a wonderful weekend. Who did all the driving, booked the hotel rooms, and allowed me to stay and enjoy the wedding while he stayed back in the room with our children. Love and hugs for being my pot of gold at the end of rainbow. ❤️

Time to link up and share that thankful bucket of gratitude and love. 😃

Lizzi’s TTOT linkup


Writer’s Quotes Wednesday

I watched my youngest son watching the sunset as he exclaimed “the sky is beautiful Mommy, like you.” And that magical  moment inspired this quote.

This has been my submission to Silver Threading Writer’s Quotes Wednesday. Please check out all the inspiration and creativity there, thank you. ❤️