Jsack's Mom's Blog

Welcome to my blog where I share my special needs parenting journey with my heart, truth, and love, one story at a time. ❤️

Ten Things of Thankful-Happy Easter

I’m once again getting my post in under the wire for the Lizzi’s and co-hosts of the TTOT. I don’t know why I just don’t write it on Fridays and wait until those last moments to submit my post. I’m the queen of procrastination usually and I wear my crown a little crooked in between being organized on these fleeting moments. 

I love this time of day and I’m thankful when everything is quiet and I can write while the sounds of my slumbering family leave me feeling happy and grateful. 

I’m thankful for a lovely Easter dinner shared with my family and my in laws were visiting us as well. There was lots of love, laughter, presents, and clothes for my growing boys and fun. Which was a welcome addition to their closets. 

I’m thankful that my sweet boy will be turning five tomorrow. He’s had a lot of challenges since his birth and to see him happy, growing, and discovering the world fills my heart with love and happiness. 

I’m thankful that we could celebrate an early family birthday party for him. The Dinosaur cave has taken up a special place in his room. The biggest hit of the weekend has been Big Batman almost the size of my son. He reserved a special spot for him in his rocking chair.  

I’m thankful for the wonderful meal I prepared, birthday cake, and enjoying a straw-ber-ita on ice. I will admit I indulged and did my workout and cleaned like a speed demon the day before. 

I’m thankful for the Easter egg hunt  my youngest had with his Poppa. It was so cute to see them together with my son running around the yard with his bucket. Every time he collected an egg he would say “the Easter bunny can’t hide from me!”

I’m thankful for a walk in the sunshine and relaxing in my hot tub with my family. It was the perfect way to end the weekend. The Walking Dead was crazy good and I’m eagerly anticipating the season finale and dreading it at the same time. I will reveal no spoilers except to say I screamed a lot! 

I’m thankful for getting my house cleaned, laundry organized, and being able to relax and enjoy myself this long weekend. Usually I’m stressed and trying to jump through hoops and keep everyone happy. This time I felt confident and calm and I kicked my anxiety to the curb. 

I’m thankful for the beauty of my home. I love clean sparkling floors, scrubbed bathrooms, and laundry put away. I feel accomplished and happy as a housewife when I can look back and appreciate my hard work. 

I’m thankful for my lovely family and my kind and generous husband. I found out that my youngest son has developed asthma. So I picked up his medicine and told my husband about it. We came home and I gave my son his medicine and started cleaning, dusting, and organizing clutter. I needed to occupy my mind that was filled with worry and get rid of the allergens as well. My husband came home with a Shark steam mop from Canadian Tire and I’m in love! It’s the little things that mean the most. ❤️



Ten Things of Thankful Successes and Springing Ahead

I will start out my thankful list by being really honest I loathe the spring time change. I love to sleep, day time naps especially since my youngest son has severe sleep apnea we’re awaiting surgery to repair. Knowing it was coming around the corner of losing that hour filled me a sense of dread. I had intended to change my clocks then my son woke up and needed some cuddles. By the time I got him settled we both fell asleep. Waking up Sunday on my couch and disoriented because I had no idea what time it was is quite a trip. I persevered to get through the day as it was beautiful and sunny and I couldn’t waste a moment of it. So onto to the thankfuls with your co-host of TTOT Fly on our Chicken Coop Wall
I’m thinking of my successes this week on this Sunday where I take 20 minutes for me to write this blog, tuck my kids into bed and get in one last kiss. They’re my biggest successes in life as well maintaining a loving relationship with their Dad. Today was a beautiful sunny day so we went to spend it at the zoo. Laughter, sunshine, and watching the Penguins swim after my happy boys as they played made me giggle and smile. The biggest successes in life are made up of who I love and who loves me. 💖


Penguins get very hot when they swim so they cool off by fanning their wings out at their sides.

I’m thankful that my family therapy program is going well and there’s been a lot of progress with adjusting and changing troublesome behaviours. I feel more confident about keeping myself in check and not overreacting and letting a trigger affect my progress with a difficult situation. I’m noticing the good and ignoring minor behaviours and dealing with major ones immediately. 

I’m thankful for the consistency, calm approach, and compassion that I’ve been able to tap into have been the greatest keys to our families success. We’ve been having regular family meetings and checking in with each other to talk about our feelings. Each of us feels heard and understood and then we usually play a board game or Wii after. 

I’m thankful for being consistent and getting four workouts in as well as some resistance training and yoga to build and stretch out my overworked body. It’s been a long slow recovery with my neck injury in January due to how stressed my central nervous system was. I’m happy to say I’m back to feeling 90 % better and know I’ll be back to more cardio and strength training soon. 

I’m thankful I did take the time to rest and recuperate when my body said enough. I’m not always the best at slowing down because the routine and nervous energy has been something I’ve thrived on. I’m learning daily what I can and can’t do and running on empty in my food fuel or emotional tanks is detrimental to my well being. 

I’m thankful that I started a new parenting group and I’ve met some like minded parents looking for strategies and I’m refreshing skills that I haven’t been using. I also attend a support group for parents of anxious kids and it’s been a tremendous support and lifeline for my family and I. One major thing I’ve learned is how difficult it is to have my mind and body in a fight or flight response. As well as anxiety lies to us and we are the truth of our feelings. Taking the six second approach to engage my senses I’m able to help myself and my children go from intelligent brain to primal. 

I’m thankful for beautiful weather and I got outside to do walking everyday this week. The sunshine’s an elixir in my life and I feel so much better if I get my vitamin D fix. It always feels better when I walk and I’m able to clear my head when life situations overwhelm me. I see and hear messages that I wouldn’t by being preoccupied. 


Angel wings in the sky

This week marked a very special occasion as my cousin’s daughter turned one! I’ve written more about her story last year Here and the challenges this sweet baby girl faced. With an incredible, tenacious, Mom with the strength of a warrior guiding her through life and a patient hard working Dad as well a ton of love and support I see nothing but success for Amazing Grace. 


Photo courteousy Love by Krista Evans and used with permission

I’m thankful that my son had a fun game to round out his hockey season. Both Atom and Novice teams were matched up and the kids had a blast playing against each other. Next season most of them will be reunited on the sane team as Atoms. I’ve come to know a few of these players and their families and my family and I feel blessed to have made some amazing friends. 

I’m thankful for visiting with my friend, chatting over wine, and enjoying some relaxation in my hot tub. As a special needs parent my days are busy with therapy lessons, school, hockey, and medical appointments. When I put those things all aside and focus on my self care the results are positive for all my family. I feel better knowing I’m taking care of myself and my happiness and that makes me a better person, Mom, wife, and sister! 

I’m thankful that I dropped all of the housework chores and took advantage of a beautiful +15 sunny day. We went to the zoo and had a fabulous time. I watched my kids interacting with the Canadian geese who were almost domesticated with how tame they were. A few of the exhibits were closed due to maintenance and the gorilla family were celebrating a new baby. We were able to see a live cam of the Mama and her little baby cuddling. It melted my heart and made me think of how I cuddled my own growing precious son’s. We’re really not that much different from animal kind and human kind when we all are united in love. 

A Mother’s love 💖


Writer’s Quotes Wednesday Writing Challenge

After a brief hiatus from one of my most inspirational linkups with Silverthreading’s and  Ronovan Writes and  Writer’s Quotes. They’ve been busy with spring on the air and have renewed their challenge to include a theme each week as well as writing about it in particular. I’m back to find the happy, inspiring, thought provoking, and brilliant quotes. Sometimes the urge to create poetry has to overcome me and if it doesn’t I wait for the muse to find me. I felt blessed while I viewed this beautiful scenery and suddenly there was my muse. 


My Muse

Where have you been my sweet?
I’ve been lost without you in my thoughts. 
My head has been full of cobwebs blocking your loving light. 
When you come to me and tickle my synapses with your lyrical magic I feel complete. 
Like a lover when you leave me I feel so warm and then my side of the bed is cold and foreboding. 
These words that I weave with your inspiration and design fill my heart to the fullest. 
We have a romance you and I and I’m in love with what we create and grateful for your presence in my life. 

Like a husband and wife I smile as you whisper magical words in my ear is my pure and utter delight. 

Please stay with me and we shall create poetry that fairy tales are made of and give all we have to give art from the heart. 

May our romance my muse, continue on from stories to songs. 

 My love of your words and my ability to storytell your thoughts make us a match made in heaven. 


Ten things of thankful

I’ve had an exciting and busy last two weeks so I’m here today to share in my thankfulness and blessings. Sometimes it’s something as simple as a smile, a gift,  or an expression of love that leaves me filled with gratitude. This last week is an extraodinary example of that so here’s my recollection with Lizzi and her co-hosts

I’m thankful for my ability to put my thoughts into words. I may not be able to process changes right away but I can always write things down or talk them through. I’m teaching my oldest son that this is good therapy for him too. I’ve been experimenting with creating memes and word pictures. I was lucky enough that the wonderful Babies Bloodhounds and Booze featured me with some funny folks on the web not once but twice! I’m so grateful to her, her talent, and that she thinks my Memes are funny. 

I’m thankful for the days when I feel like my ego’s bruised I find a positive quote, message, or comment about how something I wrote made a difference. I read and cherish those moments and I’m feeling inspired again. 

I’m thankful that I can lose myself in a good book no matter what stressful things come up into my life. Taking time to put my feet up and sail away into a new adventure is always the cure for what ails me. 

I’m thankful for living in Canada and all the beauty I get to see every day. I take walks daily and I go to the river with my kids and we perfect the fine art of skipping stones. Or throw sticks in the water and watch them race down the current. 

I’m thankful for each time I let myself down by losing my temper and yelling that I’m always able to apologize and learn from my behaviour. It’s a great lesson in perseverance and kindness. 

I’m thankful for taming my laundry beast (saying borrowed from Meaning of Me) who understands my struggle with laundry. Today I celebrated washing, folding, and putting away six loads of laundry! I tend to get overwhelmed with five just sitting there mocking me, so this is a huge thankful brag. 

I’m thankful for my bravery and I invited some potential clients to discuss my Beach Body business. I seek out people who show interest but this time I just went ahead and offered my knowledge after hearing a conversation where an acquaintance was struggling with their health. 

I’m thankful for my husband’s career reaching new heights in his company. Last week he won a very prestigious honour and the President presented him with an elite award and there was a celebration. I felt so proud watching my love make his speech thanking me and our son’s for all the sacrifices we’ve made to get him to this position. I’m so happy for his hard working staff and management team.  I had invited some relatives to come to the event and that made it even more special.


I’m thankful for the trophy, plaque, flowers and gifts for our kids that were gown to us for my husband’s store leader of the year! His staff is very proud of him and sang him a song of congratulations. All the messages, comments, texts, and phone calls from our family and friends expressing their happiness is so appreciated. 

I’m thankful that with the award we get to take a special trip all expenses paid to South Africa! We’ve never been anywhere besides our honeymoon ten years ago so this is a trip of a lifetime and we’re so excited to bless the rains and the sunshine in Africa!