Jsack's Mom's Blog

Welcome to my blog where I share my special needs parenting journey with my heart, truth, and love, one story at a time. ❤️

Ten Things of Thankful-summer memories

Thankful is as thankful does. This quote comes to mind as I lay here reflecting over over my last month of travel. I feel blessed that I was able to travel to to South Africa and immerse myself in the food, culture, and hospitality of this amazing destination. I’m grateful that I’ll be able to share my journey with you over the coming weeks wherever I have a wifi signal. As always I’m grateful to be part of this wonderful linkup of Lizzi’s TTOT linkup.

I’m in shock when I look at my previous post and now realize that it’s been almost two months since I last published anything on my blog! So today I’m thankful that I’m taking time to write and post and to share this amazing sunset on the Victoria waterfront in Capetown, South Africa. 

I’m thankful that even though I haven’t been active on my blog I broke 605 followers during my brief hiatus. Cheers to more readers feeling the Jsackmom love from my overcrowded thoughts that are bursting out of my skull to be shared. Thank you so much for being here! 

I’m thankful that over my travels I kept myself busy and journaling. Even our downtime from the Global Summit conference was spent sight seeing, preparing for cocktail parties and galas. I kept a Facebook update schedule and look forward to sharing that on my blog in the next few weeks. 

I’m thankful as I lay here swaying in my hammock letting the sunshine glow on my heart that I’m blessed with a wonderful life. I saw a lot of wealth and poverty when I was on holiday. A lot of the time mere steps away from each other and it’s taught me to appreciate what I have. Without needing to add on to my list of material goods. 

I’m thankful for having my husband, my hearts desire and traveling companion to take a trip of a lifetime with. We’ve shared many years together and are more in love and joy than ever! Special needs parenting isn’t for the faint of heart. One thing we’ve learned on this journey is that our hearts and minds are connected and our children will reap the benefits of that kindred spirit. 

  I’m thankful that I was able to face my fears of all things creepy crawly in the insect family and also wild African animals. We stayed in an amazing place called Cheetah Plains on the Sabhi Sanda private game reserve. I still checked the trees above my head and for anything that goes slither in the night under my bed. One can’t be too careful, it is after all Africa. 

I’m thankful for curbing my social anxiety and being able to meet some amazing people at the cocktail parties as well as the Cocoa Cola and Loreal galas. A lot of the time I was so engrossed in the marvellous foods selections on the menu   And fabulous entertainment at each venue. I didn’t have that much time to focus on having a panic attack with that much beauty and opulence. 

 I’m thankful for the most amazing family anyone could ask for. I’ve had the opportunity to spend time with my siblings and their families and all six of us were together for a photo op. I know it would’ve made our parents proud to see us all together enjoying each other’s company. 

I’m thankful for having and surviving the first family camping vacation. We were in the bush for a week with wacky, unpredictable weather but our tent was leak proof, and the sun came out eventually to dry out clothes and shoes. We had a wonderful time and look forward to our next trip soon. 

I’m thankful for such amazing friends we camped with, visited with, and reconnected with during my husbands 30 th year grad reunion. I had a blast and partied like I was a graduate of 86. 
