Jsack's Mom's Blog

Welcome to my blog where I share my special needs parenting journey with my heart, truth, and love, one story at a time. ❤️

Ten Things of Thankful

Another week has passed to recollect thankful days and grateful nights. I have to admit I’m struggling this week with years of tears that want to pour forth. I will do my best to articulate them here, or you may just see me bleed upon the page. Here’s to Lizzi and the TTOT Linkup my favourite spot to visit on the weekends. 😃

I’m thankful for my family. My sister took my oldest son for a holiday and it was good for all of us to miss and have some quality time with each other. 

I’m thankful for hiking and the beautiful scenery and moments of clarity I experience. Sharing that with my husband and youngest son is so special. We even made a friend along the way. 

I’m thankful for walks in the woods and nature and all it’s beauty. I always feel such a spiritual connection with God’s glorious creations. We’re all one, feeling the heartbeat of all life and love. 

I’m thankful for trips to the zoo with my zany family, and our two little monkeys that are so excited to climb, laugh, and explore. Our favourites are the Penguins and seeing their family’s having fun showing off for all their fans. 


I’m thankful for my memories and friendships. I’ve been struggling this week with the passing of my sweet friend 3 months ago. Everywhere I looked and every song I heard made me feel that ache of missing her. But I reached out to a mutual friend and she was able to help me with my grief. 

I’m thankful for the truth, even if it hurts. I am a seeker of knowledge and I dig until I find what I’m looking for. Sometimes it’s hard to face the truth of a matter, but I’d rather face that and it’s discomfort than live in a web of lies. It’s the unspoken truth of humanity that always keeps me guessing and searching. 

I’m thankful for overcoming obstacles and rising to the challenge. I completed my latest fitness challenge and I’m learning so much building my Beach Body coaching business. I’m lighter, leaner, and stronger, and I finally feel hopeful instead of harbouring pain in my mind, body, and spirit. 

I’m thankful for this beautiful spot I found on my favourite hike. I sat here to muse about life, love, and thoughts that need to be written and shared. 

I’m thankful for this rock it’s on this rock that I found my strength and belief in myself. Where I decided to make my dreams come true of writing my book and how to fund it. My son and I scrambled up here and wanted to show off our muscles for Daddy. 

I’m thankful for the generousity of family and friends. My sisters who love me and are my greatest most fulfilling friendships. They give me the gift of time, the smiles on my children’s faces, laughter, and fresh produce from ones garden, and homemade hummus and chips from the other. My in-laws gifted me with a beautiful new set of dishes as we’ve been using the same ones since my bridal shower. And my sweet friend I, I’m grateful for the words of encouragement and compassion right when I needed them the most. ❤️


TTOT and the dog days of summer 

I’m on a roll submitting, meeting deadlines, and writing a lot! Then it comes to the end of the week when I can share all the bucket full of thankfuls. I’m so thankful you are here dear readers. ❤️

I’m so thankful that my muse keeps whispering in my ear and I keep writing. It’s my life’s blood on this digital paper and I appreciate you being here to read whatever my mind can conjure up.

I’m thankful for meeting my deadlines for linkups, submissions, and continuing on with my blogging challenge. I linked up with a lovely writer who’s word prompts have inspired some amazing menories for me. I took a brief hiatus from the weekly prompt, but now I’m making the commitment to get back at it. 

I’m thankful for the beautiful dog days of summer. Today I just lounged, laughed, and loved with my family. Tis this is what life is really all about, love the ones your with. ❤️

I’m thankful for the positive responses I’ve had with reaching out and connecting with old friends. Time and distance play a big role in the way life can disconnect you. But to know I was being missed as much, as I was doing the missing is a fabulous feeling indeed! 😃

I’m thankful for having my favourite spot to sit and read or just look out at the water. It brings me such peace in my day when I need it the most.  

I’m thankful for hiking in wonderful places in my neighbourhood with my kids. Seeing the thrill of discovery on their faces and satisfaction for completing a tough trail is all the reward I’ll ever need in their smiles. 😊

I’m thankful for getting to read in the gorgeous sunshine today. I didn’t fret about housework or laundry I just relaxed and let the words wash over me like a much needed shower. 

I’m thankful for parks, playgrounds, and happy kids. They love adventuring and being outdoors as much as me. We go to the park and play, use our imaginations, and I sit on my swing and can fly in the air for hours. 

I’m thankful for my continuing fitness journey and seeing the pounds and inches of my depression weight melt away. I call it that as   that’s how I gained it. I feel so much better having my morning shakes and utilizing that energy to get caught up on my projects. 

Most of all I’m thankful to Lizzy’s and the Ten Things of Thankful family she’s created here on every corner of the globe. Uniting us through our words, memories, and glittering, sparkling love. 💖 



Sometimes I feel like I’m losing my mind

It’s confession time I have been marking the days off on my calendar with a big red X. Three guesses on why I’m doing that? Yes you guessed right if you’re Canadian, it’s back to school time. It’s been a long fun summer but it’s time for pencils, books, and learning the fine art of listening again. 

My oldest son is very excited about this school year and having a new teacher. To ease his anxiety filled mind I requested a meet and greet as soon as school was out. It was wonderful as his teacher is new to the school and that made him feel better knowing that. This year my son is not the new kid on the block and that’s a comforting thought. 

As the bullying he had to endure last year made for a difficult start. I spent so much in the vice principal’s office you would think I was staff! Now this month of August has left us with the last few dog days of summer before school’s in session. I wanted to make this an amazing summer for my kids because last year we were moving. 

I have things up my sleeve planned to surprise them. Yet I have to do this strategically as my oldest doesn’t like surprises and will ask 52 questions before we leave the house. My youngest loves the act of a surprise initially, but with his sensory processing disorder this makes transitions very difficult for him. I load up the kids and my truck and I tell them we’re going on an adventure. Sometimes that’s enough to cause them excitement or for me to be incessantly asked are we there yet? So it ends up working either way the stress of keeping a surprise, organizing my family to leave the house, is either a positive experience or negative one.

 I always prefer it to be the former than the latter, and if it doesn’t work out I at least gave it a try. Sometimes all this thinking wears me out, and I feel like I’m losing my mind! Do you know when you have a dream and you don’t want to wake up because it’s so wonderful than the reality you’re living? Sometimes I have those moments, and other times I feel like I had a dream I didn’t plan on dreaming.

 I don’t know if that makes sense when you’re reading it, but it makes sense to me as my stream of conscious thought keeps unravelling one layer of yarn at a time….

This is my submission to Stream of Conscious Thought I’ve had a brief hiatus from participating so I’m happy to be back to where the thoughts flow and the talent oozes from this creative place. Please check out this haven, and see if you can guess today’s prompt. 😉


Writer’s Quotes Wednesday 

This my favourite thing to do each week is linkup with Silver Threading Writer’s Quote Wednesday. I’m so in love with all the creativity, talent, and poetry that are born from this place. Here’s my edition to this wonderful gathering. Please check out all this amazing inspiration. Thank you. 😘



Ten things of Thankful

Happy Sunday to you all, it’s been a busy week trying to pack a lot in before its back to school. I have a lot to share so buckle up it might be a bumpy ride to my bucket of thankfuls. So here I am linking up with Lizzi’s TTOT and happy to be doing so. 😃

1. I’m thankful for sunny days and times spent playing at the river. I love that it’s a short walk from my house and is my kids favourite past time. 

2. I’m thankful for walks in the woods and beautiful secluded spots where I can sit and read without a care in the world. Watching my kids play and splash in the sunshine is like music to my soul. ❤️ 

3. I’m thankful for hiking in the beautiful trails and feeling the power of nature and it’s effects on my psyche. 

4. I’m thankful for parks, play dates, and play groups to enjoy making new friends and meeting up with old ones.   

5. I’m thankful for all the paperwork completed for my son to file for funding. This will help to acquire a therapy team for him at preschool. It’s been a long road thus far, but knowing it’s coming to a successful completion makes me happy.  

6. I’m thankful for my phone working and being able to complete my blog post for TTOT linkup. I feel something missing when I’m not part of this gratitude gang. 

7. I’m thankful for the ability to feel emotions, pain, fear, happiness, and love. Feeling these strongly as I do makes me feel alive. 

8. I’m thankful for reconnecting with a friend I love dearly and have missed. It’s a beautiful gift when everything flows just right when you spend time talking about how much you enjoy each other’s company. 

9. I’m thankful for the ability to apologize. I never believe I’m above that kindness and necessity. When I’m wrong I’m learning not to be a right fighter, and just express I’m sorry. 

10. I’m thankful for sharing my words through submissions, poetry, photography and having them received with gratitude. Just thinking of it brings a smile to my face. 😊🌟


Ten things of thankful 

It’s almost like time has got itself wrapped around the hamster wheel in my brain and sped up. Is it really possible it’s Sunday already? I just felt like it was three days ago, so as I sit and check and recheck my calendar again that yes a week has gone by. I’m excited to share my week with you as it was busy, eventful, and involved some sunshine. So without further ado I give you lovely readers my list of thankfuls. 

1. I’m thankful for my husband’s holidays and the fun and adventure we experienced as a family. We really enjoy our time together and it’s made even more joyful when we’re out exploring our new home and area. If we spend too much time inside cabin fever sets in and that’s bad for everyone involved. 


2. I’m thankful that I was able to attend my son’s speech therapy appointment. We waited three months for it and was originally scheduled last week, but my son woke up feeling flush and fluish and I had to cancel. She was able to assess him and see where his strengths and weakness are. She scored a few sections while we were still there and said even though he was severely delayed she saw that he also had some amazing strengths and abilities with his comprehension a and his verbal expressions in tones. She also asked me if I my background was in teaching and I replied in fitness but not in children’s education. She said with all the terminology and how much I had researched she thought I was in education. I left her office beaming and not even the darkened rain clouds couldn’t take away the light I felt in my heart. 

3. I’m thankful that the speech therapist recognized my efforts and gave me the best compliment and called me a Mom warrior. She was so glad that I advocated so strongly for my son as some parents aren’t able to for their own reasons. I thanked her profusely and had to wipe the tears from my eyes. It felt so wonderful to be acknowledged by a professional for the team effort on this journey we’ve been on for the last two years. 

3. I’m thankful for KFC take out and a picnic at the park. I dove into that bucket with a vegeance as I was starving and happily munched that Colonel’s famous recipe that’s so finger licking good. My kids played happily in the playground making new friends while I celebrated KFC being in Canada for 20 years. I was so happy with my impromptu lunch I went and followed them on Twitter. 

4. I’m thankful for soccer in the backyard in the morning, and  bunkering down in the afternoon with Netflix, popcorn, and cuddles with my kids as we listen to the torrential downpour on our skylight. My youngest said it sounded like God was drumming. I love him and his imagination so much. 


image found on Facebook

5. I’m grateful for learning more about Minecraft and all the intricate worlds my oldest son has created. He’s taught me so much as I’ve learned to open my mind to his passion to build, create, and accomplish things I could only dream of. He built this world of the Walking Dead complete with the set of the prison from Season 5 with the zombie creepers and underground bunkers out in the fields. His talent and dedication to express himself with his technological skills amazes me. 

3. I’m thankful for reward charts and token behaviour systems. I’ve started them with my kids to curb some things that were getting out of hand within our communication styles. I use a thermometer to gauge how my oldest son is feeling. Green is for go, talk to me I’m feeling happy and want to engage. Yellow is for caution I’m feeling unhappy, bordering on mad feelings, I need some quiet time I do t want to interact. Red is stop I don’t want to talk I’m angry and I need space immediately. With just using this method to help him express his feelings constructively he was able to tell me and point out exactly how he was feeling. It was a very positive result to a quick temper issue we’ve been trying to handle for awhile. 

4. I’m thankful for how hard my oldest son worked on controlling his temper and he earned enough tokens to have extra screen time at home and then we were able to attend the movie Minions. We loved seeing those adorable little yellow pulls origin of how they evolved to who they are and who they love to work for in present day. Movies aren’t not a family past time for us as our youngest has a sensory disorder and he’s not able to handle being quiet or sitting still for long periods of time. The use of headphones, a gadget to concentrate on, and his favourite blanket made everything quite comfortable for him. Plus his love of Minions is legendary, I will take that for the win of the week! 


image found on Facebook

5. I’m thankful for playgroups that are specifically for children with special needs. We attend one weekly and this time I was able to bring my oldest son. He was the oldest one there which he knew he would be, but he finger painted, played with his brother, and made some new friends as well. It made me so happy to see my son’s playing and enjoying their time being kids with open hearts and minds. 

6. I’m thankful for Fridays and getting together with friends. We enjoyed a delicious meal and then came back to our house to visit some more and soak and chat in my hot tub. I’m looking forward to spending more time with our friends as its a new friendship and they don’t mind driving to see us. As it’s not always possible to plan an outing for success when my youngest has difficulties with transitions. I was so proud of the progress he made in the restaurant. If he needed to shake the “ants out of his pants” we just went for a walk before our meal arrived. Even the owner complimented his behaviour as we’ve been eating there for a year and they become our closest friends. 

7. I’m so thankful for days filled with sunshine and walks along the river. My children are outdoorsy they’re very happy playing in water or being covered in dirt so we love our time spent at the river. They’re learning the fine art of skipping stones and patience when watching the fish swimming around. Much to our delight we saw that someone had layered some rocks around the shallow area, and it made a lovely little pool to wade in. My kids had a blast splashing and playing in there for over an hour on non-stop joy! While this content Mom was able to snap pics and soak up some much needed vitamin D while waving to the boaters who floated on by. 

8. I’m grateful for warm summer nights, fire pits in the backyard and enjoying beers and laughter with our friend and his loveable dog. The kids had so much fun playing with her as we like to call her our “surrogate dog.” There was one near accident as the bolts had come loose from the fire pit door and my oldest went to put some wood in and door came off in his hand and the cover came tumbling down. I’m very grateful for his quick flexes and he wasn’t seriously hurt! 

9. I’m so thankful for the new fitness program I started this week. It’s from Beach Body and it’s called CIZE. The promotion for it is have fun dancing and forget that you’re even exercising. And you know what it’s so true, thirty minutes flies by as you’re learning the choreography and soon you feel like you’re in a music video busting moves with Shaun T. As he says CIZE is the end to all exercise. Eye candy, exercise, and excellent results what more could you ask for?

10. I’m thankful for all the hard work of blood, sweat, and tears that I’ve put into my fitness goals and the results that I have. I completed five fitness challenges, pounds and inches lost, and a whole new respect for myself and my determination. One of those challenges was a detox and that was a very difficult one to get through! So after a thousand questions to my coach Ryan at Gamechangers I decided to sign up as a Beach Body coach! I recently experienced my first week of shakeology, working out daily for 4 months, losing weight, gaining lean muscle mass, having energy, and waking up pain free after 6 years of nursing a back injury I AM a believer! My website is all set up and you can check me out here as well all the amazing information in this power packed fitness machine called http://www.teambeachbody.com. Until next week enjoy the last dog days of summer. 🌞



Writer’s Quotes Wednesday 

Technology can be a blessing and a bane to my existence. Due to a faulty WordPress app and my phone badly in need of an update I wasn’t able participate in Silver threading Writer’s quotes Wednesday. I missed it and I’m so happy to be back where all the creativity reside. 

Please be sure to check out all the talent that link up. Thank you. 😘


Ten Things of Thankful

I was tech challenged last week and missed the deadline to submit to the TTOT linkup. I was so disappointed as I had everything set to publish and WordPress glitchy bugs “ate” my post. I was to upset even attempt it again from the app so I jusy let it go to a live and learn situation. Now I write this while my phone is being updated and I uploaded 4,000 + pictures onto my laptop. Anyone else out there that uses their smart phone like a photo album? A really bad habit I need to break and get these pictures, memories, and digital data onto a disk and print them off for actual photo albums.so let’s get back to the real reason I’m here, to spread that thankful love around  😃❤️

1. I’m thankful for conquering my fear and attending a publishing seminar last weekend. I learned so much and I’m excited to get my book written. Stay tuned as I’ll be publishing a word counter on my blog for accountability and encouragement sake.

2.I’m thankful for warm summer nights, watching the stars in the sky and cuddling with my son’s.

3. I’m thankful for shaking hands with my fear and doing whatever I was scared of. I learn so much about myself in these teaching moments in life

4. I’m thankful for making new friends and putting myself out there to learn, explore, and yet feeling vulnerable at the same time.

5. I’m thankful that these happy feet got to go golfing and also was able to teach my youngest how to golf. My oldest is a very talented athlete and golf cones naturally to him. As soon as my youngest could connect with the ball and make it got the look of pure joy on his face was a beautiful sight.

Oh home on the range.

Oh home on the range.

6. I’m thankful for summer holidays without an alarm clock to rule my life except for attending the publishing bootcamp! I was up early on those days but I love cramming my cerebral matter with knowledge so I was on a “literary high” all weekend

7. I’m thankful for having more patience, energy, and ambition to continue on with my fitness goals I recently signed up to be a Beach Body coach. I have learned so much about myself and my hidden tank of tenacity for inner and outer strength that it was a perfect fit. And after losing 15 lbs, and 15 inches all over I have to celebrate it by becoming part of an amazing team with YYC Game Changers. 😃

Stronger, better, bolder me!

Stronger, better, bolder 

8. I’m thankful for long walks by the river, skipping stones in the water as the sunlight dapples on the surface. And sharing this moment with my youngest son

9. I’m thankful for hot summer days and spending time at the water park and playground with friends  I know soon enough the chill of autumn will be in the air soon enough, so I never complain about the heat.

10. I’m thankful that I was able to participate in Lizzi’s lovely TTOT linkup and I look forward to reading all the wonderful crew who linked up  😊