Jsack's Mom's Blog

Welcome to my blog where I share my special needs parenting journey with my heart, truth, and love, one story at a time. ❤️

My future 

I cast my eyes forward watching and waiting with great anticipation.

What by chance do I see waiting and watching on the edge of the precipice?

Do I see hope on the horizon, faith in myself, or disaster looming ahead?

It all depends on my point of view how comfortable I feel in my skin. 

Thinking positively I see help, support, and advice. 

Thinking negatively will lead me to feeling exposed, vulnerable, and protective. 

Will I let down my barriers and allow goodness to pour forth?

Like wine, songs, and poetry enjoyed on a dark night with the moon looming above. 

I hope to conquer my fears and rise up to my challenges. 

Instead of cowering into the mysterious passages of my mind. 

Every soul carries a mystery and misery to their name and sometimes it’s revealed or hidden for all of time. 

I must learn that my heart is still intact even while the words spew forth, like a geyser emptying its contents from the earth. 

It is here where I sit, my mind contemplating, then upright and pacing my heart racing. 

This newness, this peacefulness, this soul’s rebirth. 

This is my attempt at a sonnet, for my Writing 201 Poetry. I pray that this poem won’t have Shakespeare rolling over in his grave with discontent. The prompt is future, the form is sonnet, and the device is chiasmus. 


Ode to my Mom

Elizabeth Louise was her name.
Loved by everyone who knew her.
Intrinsically gifted with humour and the gift of gab.
Zealous with her love, honesty, and faith.
Amazing with her glowing light of virtue and trust.
Beautiful beyond measure inside and out.
Eloquently soft spoken with a sharp wit.
Talented, gifted, devoted to the ones she loved.
Heart of gold, my best friend, and heroine of my dreams.

This is a poem for my beloved Mama. She was my gift, to my siblings, and the world. Today I wrote this poem for her as part of my Day 3 Blogging 201 assignment. The word trust was the prompt and in the acrostic form of poetry.
