Jsack's Mom's Blog

Welcome to my blog where I share my special needs parenting journey with my heart, truth, and love, one story at a time. ❤️

The Tear

What is it about the passage of time? I’ve heard that time heals all wounds, time passes on and time is short. It’s that tear in the fabric of time that intrigues me the most. Where you can be another version of yourself-someone who is stronger and makes better decisions and takes a different path in life.

Like the actress Gweneth Paltrow played in the movie Sliding doors her character was on the subway platform deciding if she should or shouldn’t get on the train. The director portrayed what would happen with her life if she stepped on the subway and who she was and who she interacted with.

It really fascinated me with the twists and turns within the plot of the movie. It showed me that you do have to be careful what you wish for. As I’m watching this the character in my favourite TV show #Thisisus is replaying the memory track of what his life was like before when he was a high school football star and adored by everyone. Kevin had colleges scouting him, a girlfriend who loved him and a close relationship with his family. Then it all came to a crashing end when he was tackled in the big game and suffered a broken leg.

He still had the beautiful girlfriend (who he would later go on to marry and divorce), a strong bond with his fraternal twin sister Kate, an emerging relationship with his adopted brother Randall, and his parents Jack and Rebecca that were there to love and support him to this jagged tear to his football dreams. Yet Kevin can’t see past any of that as he sinks into a depression that goes on to shadow his life in his current phase.

What would’ve his life been like if he avoided that devastating hit that changed his path forever? Would he have gone on to football stardom and become the proud recipient of the Heisman trophy, married the girlfriend and lived happily ever after? Even though he’s a television character Kevin and his life story is enthralling to me that he went onto to what appeared to be a good life making a successful living as an actor while recovering from the death of his Father, the rock in his life.

How would his life be any different if he would’ve just thrown the football, avoided the tackle and never have to lose his Dad at such a young age? It’s the conundrum I’m sure most of us have encountered at some point on our path what if I would’ve taken that subway train, stayed with the ex or gotten that scholarship to college. It’s the tearing of the dream that we have for ourselves that can hurt the most where we feel the regrets of time we’ve lost and where the what if’s eat us up inside.

Is the grass always greener over on the other side of the fence? Not necessarily, should we all just be living the life of our dreams with no regrets or resentments? I’ve always intended to raise my sons to follow their dreams, reach for the stars and be kind and giving human beings. It’s the life that we live that shows us who are true character really is. Excepting the hand we’re dealt and taking the leap of faith and being who we’re really meant to be that matters the most.

I saw myself becoming a famous actress and singer entertaining the world with my talent. Unfortunately I didn’t have the courage to pursue those idealistic dreams and leave my parents and go off to the big city. I didn’t believe in myself as much as I should’ve and that tears at my heart still today. But who am I to say that my dreams shall just wither and die? I can still realize them just in a different way, by performing in theatre and pursuing my passion for storytelling.

It’s the gift of words that sets my heart aflutter now as I’m passing on that love of reading and writing to my sons. It fills my eyes with happy tears as I sit and listen to my youngest champion son reading about Pete the Cat and his buttons as he acts and sings out every page. When I thought his brain might not be able to make sense of the letters with his autism and mental processing speed. Then as my heart swells with pride when my oldest rock star son starts reading me an essay that he’s writing for school and telling me he wants to be a writer like me when he’s older.

I wish for them not to struggle with their identities or what direction they should go career wise like I’ve done. To be able to avoid the “hits” that happen in life the fair weather friends, bullies on the playground, and young love breakups. If I could I’d protect them from it all but then they wouldn’t be truly living and discovering the world for what it is. Their time shouldn’t be spent wondering what if but really experiencing all that life has to offer them from school, friendships, love, and beyond!

It’s in these moments that I know I found the right path and even though my mind can wonder about the what if’s of the world it’s the life that I’m living being the best me I can be that matters. Not the one who made her way to Hollywood to become the actress of her dreams who may have caved in to all the pressure that a lot of celebrities fall under and resorted to drugs and alcohol as a way to cope.

I would rather be my authentic self who loves who I see when I look in the mirror, that prays with my children every evening for a better world for them to grow up in, and loves my husband with everything in me. That’s the bond of family that dreams, pride, fantasies, or ego can never tear away.


Monday Musing-Riding the grief wave

I look at my reflection in the mirror and I’m a mixed tumble of messy emotions.  I don’t feel sad or cry everyday and there’s bursts of enthusiasm for life and all the wonderful things that make me happy. My family, friends, reading, writing, and creating something from nothing. Whether that’s in my kitchen or my craft room making something fills my happy bucket. 

Last year I suffered the loss of three special people in my life and just when I feel I’m dealing with my grief someone else dies! What do you do when you’re grieving during the month of love? Sometimes I can feel these emotions ebbing and flowing like the tides towards my heart. I can catch it in time or let it wash over me and fill me with overwhelming love or sadness. 

Sometimes it’s a mixture of both as this month has been difficult for me since the death of my parents. Seven years ago for my dearest Dad and five for my beloved Mama I had to say goodbye. Their leaving has left a huge hole in my heart in the shape of their love. I’ve done my best to live around that hole and create a new “normal.” Sometimes I succeed and then the grief wave threatens to pull me under again. Under the water where I’m drowning in emotion and struggling to breathe with the weight of my tears. 

I’ve been in counselling a lot of my life. I started when I was twelve in family therapy then continued on into adulthood. I still see someone when the urge arises and he thinks I need to deal with my grief instead of just trying to survive it. In the last ten years of my marriage my husband and I collectively had to say goodbye to ten loved ones. In the seven years since my Dad, step sisters, and my Mom’s deaths I’ve been in grief recovery in some form of another. Whether it was journaling, actively seeing a therapist, or in a support group. 

I’ve learned a lot about myself and I even wrote up a timeline of my happy and sad times in my life to track my triggers. The happiness is about feeling loved and discovering something new. The sadness always centres around a death in my life since I was three years old. I was born to older parents so I was around older people in my family tree. To me this was my life not anything unusual until I went to school and my friends parents were the same age as my older siblings! That was a shock as I never thought about all these special people leaving me. 

Some may say that dealing with death so young prepared me for the path I need to take to resilience. I have questioned my own mortality, mourned for a a young life snuffed out by tragic circumstances, and have wrote out my living will to prepare my family. I’ve learned a lot during this time of self reflection and pain yet still feel like there’s more to discover. As I carve out a new “normal” and live around this void in my heart. I keep taking it one step, one breath, one journey at a time. With all that I have lost I’ve gained more love, perspective and appreciation; for all the people who have touched my life on this earthly and heavenly plane and for that I’m grateful. 

It’s time for #MondayMusings and it’s being co-hosted by Everyday Gyaan and The Philosopher’s Stone
Would you like to take part in #MondayMusings?

Here’s how it works:
Write a post sharing your thoughts with us – happy, sad, philosophical, ‘silly’ even. Make it as personal as possible.

Use the hashtag #MondayMusings.

Add your link to the linky which you will find on Everyday Gyaan and on the post of a co-host.

Use our #MondayMusings badge to encourage other bloggers join in too.

Visit and comment on the posts of other bloggers linked here.

Share the love.




Writer’s Quotes Wednesday and Be Wow

When life can become a struggle it’s easy to give into the tears and fears. Yesterday I reached out and shared my story of being a special needs parent. I received an outpouring of love and emotional support that it was incredible and it uplifted my heart and spirit! I wrote this before I had opened up my heart and soul and I’m so glad that I was given the gift of compassion and the beauty of friendship. 

This has been my submission to Silver Threading for Writer’s Quotes Wednesday and Be Wow please check out all the talent that link up at this special place to be creative. ❤️


Ten Things of Thankful

I’m back for another week of thankfuls after missing my chance to post by falling asleep before the linkup expired! You know you’re sleepy when you fall asleep writing. Usually it’s the opposite the words pouring out of my brain to my digital paper keep me awake. Tonight won’t be any different as I replay my week and share my thankful moments positive or negative. Thank you to the TTOT gang to have a place to ruminate, reflect and replay my bucket full of thankfuls. 
This has been a rough week I’ve had a death in my family, four theatre performances, and a lot of appointments. I’ve been emotionally and physically exhausted and fell off my workout scheduled. All I’ve been able to do is exchange it for yoga and meditation. This is the second death to hurt my heart in six months and I feel the need to hide away for awhile and heal my wounds. But alas my life’s not designed in the way so I just take a break from things that I don’t have the energy for. I’m thankful that I’ve realized I can do that without any guilt to weigh me down. 

My son had a polysonogram sleep study last month and I’ve recently got the results that he has severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea. I knew this before the test was done as I’ve been walking this path with him for nearly two years! I’m so thankful that I found someone to help him finally! He was seen by the first ENT who said his tonsils were fine and he just had a long tongue and there wasn’t anything he could do for my son surgically. 

  Fast forward to 7 months later and I know his medication regimen has shrunk his swollen tonsils but he will require surgery. I’m so thankful for the new ENT that will be performing the surgery. His office administrator was amazing to me as she explained the procedures and what to expect before and after surgery. My son will also require further testing of an EKG to rule out seizures, and an MRI to measure his brain size for his developmental challenges. I’ve called these his invisible forces you can’t see them until they come out in his behaviour. Even though my sweet boy has a lot to endure for his tender age of four he still smiles, lives life with a gusto, and loves with all his being! I’m so thankful for his tenacity and inner strength that inspire me daily to be better and advocate more for him and his brother. Life throws me curve balls and I’m thankful that I’ve been able to knock them out of the park. I’m only one Mom with an amazing support team and for that my gratitude is endless. 

I have another passion in life besides reading, writing, and fitness  and that is theatre. I’ve been so blessed to become part of an amazing cast in the  pantomime Beauty and the Beast. We’ve had four performances this week with a sold out show today! I love being part of this very talented cast of all ages with the camaraderie we share on stage and backstage. This is my theatre family who make me laugh, cry, and feel grateful to have this connection. I’m so thankful to be able sing, dance, and entertain and put some happiness in some sad hearts- including my own. 

I’ve been keeping up with my book writing and I joined up for Nanowrimo (National November Writing Month) I’ve enjoyed finding writing buddies to encourage me and my own local region that keep me inspired with my daily word count. I’m thankful that I’ve been able to write out the pain that engulfs me and to let it go in print. Being busy has got me further behind with my word count but I’m thankful that I still have some time to catch up. 

Through all of this worry, stress, and grief I have my family holding me up when I feel I will fall. I stumble from time to time and they’re always there to lift up my heart again. Death is difficult, I don’t see the final goodbye to life as a beginning at first. I need time to process it as I think about all that I’ve lost in the last ten years and I’m overcome with emotion. I’m thankful for these dark nights of my soul as they help me appreciate the sunshine in my life. I would be lost without my loves who are my greatest support and the best cheerleaders to be blessed with. 

I’m thankful for a place to share and I thank you for letting me pour it all out here. I write to make sense of things in my life, and to feel less scared. I truly believe that each story I give birth to helps me to heal one fragment of my heart at a time. For that I’m thankful and feel so blessed. 


Ten things of Thankful

I was so excited to see that I didn’t miss the link up for Lizzi and the gangs TTOT! I started to write mine last night and got one sentence in and fell asleep. I honestly could fall asleep sitting up lately and I did that a few times this weekend. So without further ado a very quick recap of my thankfuls. 

I’m thankful for the start of school for my oldest and preschool for my youngest. I’m excited to see that they’re missing each other and have lots to share about their day. 

I’m thankful for the look on my youngest son’s face when I go to pick him up at preschool. He’s so excited and comes running out the door with his craft in hand. 

I’m thankful for great friends who help you up when you’re faltering. And all they expect is a thank you and your happiness in return. 

I’m thankful that my son had a great follow up with his sleep specialist. The medication he’s been on has shrunken his tonsils, and we’re one step closer to finding the cause of his sleep apnea. 

I’m thankful for the ability to read, research, and absorb medical information. More times than I can count I’ve been told by these professionals in my son’s care that I’m a wonderful advocate for him. That love of reading and retaining information was ingrained in me by my Mom. 

I’m so thankful for my Mom’s love and guidance and even though she flies with the angels her influence touches my life daily. I recognized her birthday on the weekend and how my deep love for her always shines through. 

I’m thankful for the beautiful sunny weather we had on the weekend. It was wonderful to have that one last taste of summer before the fall chill returns to the air. 

I’m thankful for the beauty of the fall colours I’m excited to take my favourite hike by the river this week and share my pictures with you in my next post. 

I’m thankful for the love of my family and friends keeping me renewed in my faith, and trusting in God for things in my life I can’t control. 

I’m thankful for friends that have become family. How our thoughts mesh together in a beautiful cohesion of thoughts, ideas, inspiration, and laughter. And to see our children connecting is a wonderful moment as well. 



I don’t pretend to be something I’m not

I’m a truthful person I always have been, and always will be. I can be tactful if someone asks me a honest question. I don’t go out my way to be brutally honest but I won’t sugar coat the truth either. I wasn’t raised that way to be a waffler and float between lies and half truths. I don’t go about feigning the truth and pretend to be something I’m not.

 I’m a straight shooter, because that’s who I was raised to be. I was around both kinds of people growing up though the liars and the truth tellers.  I believe it gave me a strong perspective on who I wanted to grow up to be in my life. Recently I was faced with a situation of being honest or being politically correct in a delicate situation. 

I chose honesty and that wasn’t received very well.  Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything, maybe I should’ve just bit my tongue and not voiced my truth. That’s a lot of maybes in a bucket, and honestly that just isn’t me. I never pretend to be something I’m not for anyone. Not my husband, children, family or my friends. That  may make me a weirdo, or quirky, or too hot to handle but I know one thing it does make me, is comfortable in my own skin.


 I see a lot of professions based on dishonesty and it turns my stomach. All you have to do is turn on the tv and see and hear all the lies and half truths spewing from any election candidate. We live in the information world and can find out anything we want at a the click of a button. I think politicians should give us the public, credit for being intelligent and educated individuals.

 My son at the tender age of 8 has become interested in politics. I’m breaking one of my rules by discussing politics and religion, but like all his interests I encourage him to learn more. He was quite shocked to find out that he could never be President ! I told him we’re Canadian and we have a Prime Minister that runs our country. I never mentioned he did that well, just that he’s the boss and he has members of parliament for each province that answer to him.  

I won’t get into the checkered past of politicians  Canadian or American,  with him.  I don’t want to take the bloom off the rose just yet. He’ll figure it out in time he’s a smart boy. So here I am encouraging my son’s political aspirations and at the same time keeping him truthful and just. I think children can learn a lot by how the adults in their life treat each other. 

I want my children to know that they count on me as being truthful and supportive. I won’t pull the wool over their eyes and I always encourage the truth. I won’t let them be beguiled and told there’s sunshine when it’s raining. I’m raising them to be thoughtful, compassionate, kind, caring, loving men who will go out and make a difference in this world. I want their hearts, minds, and spirits embroiled in the truth. I was taught that honesty is the best policy. Even if it sounds like an old cliche the truth will really set you free. 

This is my Sunday confession for the lovely More Than Cheese and Beer. Please check out her anonymous confessions and the other talent that link up. Thank you.


Ten things of Thankful

The time has come to think of wonderful things that brought me happiness, joy, and tears. To celebrate a thankful week with blessings and gifts abundant! 

I’m thankful for one last week of holidays with my oldest off to school and excited about reconnecting with his friends. And even though there’s so many changes with a new teacher, new classroom, and new classmates he’s adapting well and already looking forward to the next adventure. 
I’m thankful for having my husband around the house to help prepare our kids for school; while I’m organizing, editing, and setting up my Beach Body business. I will be running my first 5 day clean eating challenge group with my team starting tomorrow. I’m excited and looking forward to gaining support and being supportive to my fit family. 
I’m thankful for meeting up with my lovely friend after 25 years. We had reconnected through Facebook and chat daily but hadn’t had a face to face. So our kids had a chance to meet and we picked up right where we left off, and it’s true that friendships are meant to be can stand the test of time. To my darling I, thank you for being a beacon of light during a dark time in a long tunnel. Your faith in me and love are pulling me through each day to the light of retribution. 🌟


*Image found on Facebook on the Brave Girls page and used with permission*

I’m thankful for new and exciting opportunities that are happening in my work life and personal life. I’ve been running a fun and successful Bloggy Throwback and now will shift gears and start a new segment on the submissions based website I work for. *Stay tuned for an awesome announcement on Original Bunker Punks starting Monday morning!*

I’m thankful for spending time with family and friends and all the abundant love that pours forth when we’re together. I attended my cousins 25 th wedding anniversary and I seen my brothers and other cousins that I hadn’t seen for 10 years and since the wedding! When you share a special moment with special people and are there 25 years later to celebrate again, there’s nothing more beautiful than that. ❤️

I’m thankful for how my body has been changing with each fitness challenge I complete. I’m 20 lbs lighter since April and feeling 10 times stronger! I just finished CIZE the end of all exercise and feel like I could star in one of Beach Body’s Shaun T videos! Like he says get it done even if it’s not right. As each DVD routine got more intricate my muscle memory took over and I mastered each exercise. Now I’m ready for my hip hop debut. It’s just so much fun to throw your cares and pounds away and just dance! 

I’m thankful for having time to complete some projects at home while my husband was on holidays. We got the deck stained and I put together organization stations for my kids for school. All their clothes are placed in a Rubbermaid container labeled with each day of the week. With their backpacks hanging on a hook and on the weekend homework and school projects can be put into the drawers. I’m feeling quite proud of myself. 

I’m thankful for the use of the timer and visual aids to help my kids get organized and out the door without being late. We all needed to have our organizational skills revamped, so the timer is our guiding light and no one argues when it goes off signalling our next thing to do. 

I’m thankful for all the blessings I have in my life good health, loving family, supportive friends and seeing all my heart’s desires coming true. 

 I’m thankful for this linkup every Sunday to share with this amazing thankful tribe. Thank you to Lizzi and her wonderful positive movement. 😃


Ten things of Thankful

Happy Sunday to you all, it’s been a busy week trying to pack a lot in before its back to school. I have a lot to share so buckle up it might be a bumpy ride to my bucket of thankfuls. So here I am linking up with Lizzi’s TTOT and happy to be doing so. 😃

1. I’m thankful for sunny days and times spent playing at the river. I love that it’s a short walk from my house and is my kids favourite past time. 

2. I’m thankful for walks in the woods and beautiful secluded spots where I can sit and read without a care in the world. Watching my kids play and splash in the sunshine is like music to my soul. ❤️ 

3. I’m thankful for hiking in the beautiful trails and feeling the power of nature and it’s effects on my psyche. 

4. I’m thankful for parks, play dates, and play groups to enjoy making new friends and meeting up with old ones.   

5. I’m thankful for all the paperwork completed for my son to file for funding. This will help to acquire a therapy team for him at preschool. It’s been a long road thus far, but knowing it’s coming to a successful completion makes me happy.  

6. I’m thankful for my phone working and being able to complete my blog post for TTOT linkup. I feel something missing when I’m not part of this gratitude gang. 

7. I’m thankful for the ability to feel emotions, pain, fear, happiness, and love. Feeling these strongly as I do makes me feel alive. 

8. I’m thankful for reconnecting with a friend I love dearly and have missed. It’s a beautiful gift when everything flows just right when you spend time talking about how much you enjoy each other’s company. 

9. I’m thankful for the ability to apologize. I never believe I’m above that kindness and necessity. When I’m wrong I’m learning not to be a right fighter, and just express I’m sorry. 

10. I’m thankful for sharing my words through submissions, poetry, photography and having them received with gratitude. Just thinking of it brings a smile to my face. 😊🌟


Ten Things of Thankful

It surprises me that Sunday is already here! I feel like the summer days are passing me by too fast. So time to harness some fun and thankfulness out of them before they’re gone. I love this time of week for the tribe of Lizzi’s TTOT who inspire and lift me up with angels wings. ❤️

1. I’m thankful for lessons of respect and compassion learned by both my son’s and myself. We learned we need to use our words more and yell in frustration less. And when we’re feeling vulnerable doing things to fill each other’s kindness bucket is a wonderful way to fix that. 

2. I’m thankful for summer camp and all the cool crafts that my son is making there. He comes home with such pride and smiles which makes me so happy he’s having fun being creative there.

3. I’m thankful for the playtime I get to enjoy at the playground with my youngest son while his brother is in camp. We have made some new friends and reconnected with old ones. He’s so excited to have that one on one time with me again and some am I. 

4. I’m thankful for keeping up with my fitness schedule and feeling stronger with each workout. I did some really intense sessions and needed a couple of rest days. I was proud of myself though because interval and plyomeyrics training is something I haven’t done for a long time. 

5. I’m thankful that I was able to catch up on my never ending laundry basket. There’s weeks where I’m her bitch, and days where she’s mine. #winningthisweek. 😉

6. I’m thankful that I had a lazy day yesterday and got to watch a marathon of one of my favourite tv series Hell on Wheels. It was filmed in my province and I look forward to hiking in the country that’s showcased on the series. 

 7. I’m thankful for my family who I love and friends who have become family. I’ve always been a friendly person, but to be told that I’m missed, my words have touched hearts, and I’m the only friend who is still there in the end makes me feel warm and fuzzy with love. 

8. I’m thankful for golden opportunities that are presented to me when I just think positive and believe in myself and my abilities. 

9. I’m thankful that family holidays can begin and my husband and I have been planning ways to surprise our kids and enjoy our time off. 

10. I’m thankful for my husband and his pitching in around the house and rallying our little troops to help. It didn’t look like I had accomplished anything with keeping clean and tidy home. Toys strewn about and popcorn and cereal remnants littered my floors and threatened my patience. So the team went to work and this Mama is a happy camper. 



Awards and my forgetful mind

Some time ago I was nominated for the Liebster award from the lovely Living with Batman. I set to work with the questions put it in a draft post and promptly forgot about it; due to being sleep deprived and parenting my little ones. In that time I was nominated by Fabulously Fifty/Living with Batman New World Mom, nominated me too! So here it is two for the price of one answers to their questions of getting to know Jsack Mom better. Thank you so much for these lovely women wanting to make my day a little better. 😃❤️

 Questions and rules for Liebster award

Post the award on your blog.
Thank the blogger who presented you the award and provide a link back to their blog.


Acknowledge and thank the blog who nominated you.
Look for an award image that you like, and post it on your blog

Answer the 11 questions asked by the person/blog who nominated you.

Nominate 11 blogs

Let the bloggers know that you nominated them.

Give them 11 questions to answer.

The all important Q&A 

1. Without doing an internet search, what does “Ich liebe dich” mean? Best guess.
I do know what this means, without doing a internet search. It’s “I love you” in German. My cousin speaks it and he taught me this one sentence. 

2. If you could meet one blogger, who would it be?

If I could meet one blogger I’d love to meet Punk Rock Papa. I’m in great communication with him and his lovely family a lot. But to meet them in the flesh would be the ultimate. The fun, laughter, and love for each other’s family’s would be so divine. 

3. What non-electronic device could you not live without?

I couldn’t live without my book light I love to read late at night in the dark. 

4.  What did you want to be when you grew up at age 10?

When I was 10 I wanted to be a model, it seems laughable to me now with me being so short! But I had my childhood best friend who’s cousin was a beautiful Canadian model and I idolized her Italian beauty. 

5. What is your secret indulgence?

My secret indulgence is Pinot Grigio wine with strawberries. Now you know it isn’t a secret anymore. 😉

6. What famous person has been in your dreams?

I have dreamt about Elvis Presley and Jim Morrison and having dinner with them. I ended up writing an English paper about it in high school. 

7. Which super hero would you like to be?

I would love to be the X-men’s Jane/Phoenix. Being empathic I’ve felt like her on occasion except for the psychic rages and meltdowns she incurred from having to much power and not enough self control. 

8. What age would you like to be frozen at forever?

I would rather not be frozen, but I’d go back in time to the age of 25. I look back on my own year being 25 and it was a really fun time in my life of self discovery, risk taking, and becoming comfortable in my own skin. I was old enough to know better and do better, and I wasn’t getting ID’ed anymore. 

9. What model car best describes you?

The best model I would say is an SUV a Chevy Trail Blazer. Big enough to fit a family of four and tough enough to go off roading in the bush. I’m a family oriented woman who’s strong with a soft emotional centre. 

10. Which period of time would you have liked to live in?

I would love to live in the Renaissance era. I would be friends with everyone from royalty to peasants, and wear beautiful clothes and be painted by the renaissance artists of the time. I would spend my time writing, creating art, and performing in plays and entertaining the public with my singing. 

11. If you had to give up one sense, which one would it be?

I would give up my sense of smell. I love to see colours of the rainbow, feel textures of different fabrics, and objects. I love food,  almost all types that are neither to sweet or sour. Although I would miss the ability to smell a blossoming rose or lavender oil in my bath; I could still appreciate the effects of the aromatherapy. 

Now onto the next set of questions from New World Mom. 

1.Why did you start writing/blogging?

I started blogging because I needed a place to put all my thoughts. I filled many notebooks and journals with my feelings so why not put them out there to help make sense of them. 

2. If you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?

I would love to meet the members of Fleetwood Mac and Pope Francis. Both for the same reasons too, all the love and inspiration I feel when I see them in their elements. 

3. If you could play any sport professionally what would it be?

I would play volleyball professionally. I’m very short but I used to be a decent player back in high school. 

4. What is your favourite quote?

My favourite quote is one I use everyday. 

“Follow your bliss, and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.”

-Joseph Campbell

5. What is your favourite album (front to back) of all time?

My favourite album of all time is Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours. I listen to everyday it always inspires me. 

6. Who is your biggest role model?

My biggest role model was my beloved Mama. I don’t even like saying that in a past tense although she flies with the angels. I still look to her in prayer for guidance. 

7. What cheers you up?

Instantly hearing my children’s laughter. And sweet romantic gestures from my husband. 

8. Do you believe in love at first sight?

I really do, I met my husband 30 years ago and he was the only one that gave me butterflies, rapid heartbeat, and giddy feelings of love. 

9. What is the best compliment you have ever received?

I had a handwritten note delivered to me stating I was a babeasaurus. I was working at the time, and I literally floated all the rest of my shift. 

10. Do you trust anyone with your life?

I do, and he’s always kept it very safe and protected from the uncertainties and cruelties of the world. 

11. What is your favourite word?

My favourite word is SWEET!

Now onto my nominees

Chelsea Shoots

Emmanuel Musema’s blog

Silver Lining Mama

A Momma’s view

Oh the Joys of Parenthood

Becoming his Butterfly

Chockfull of Au-some

Just a Minute my Cape’s in the dryer

Angrivated Mom

Plagued Parent

Next Life, no kids 

Questions to my nominees if you choose to accept this award. 

1. What’s makes you thrive in life?

2. What makes you smile daily?

3. Who is your biggest inspiration? 

4. Who would you love to party with, like get really drunk and disorderly with? 

5. Where is the one place you’d love to visit in the world? 

6. Where’s your favourite place to vacation?

7. Are you all about camping, hotel stays, or RVing?

8. Do you believe in the spirit world?

9. How many times have to struck out in the dating game, as in had one date and never again? 

10. What was your worst date you ever had? 

11. What is your muse for writing, or do you have one at all?