Jsack's Mom's Blog

Welcome to my blog where I share my special needs parenting journey with my heart, truth, and love, one story at a time. ❤️

One Liner Wednesday

Easter weekend came in like a lion.  The + 16 temperatures quickly went down to -1 Celscius. With the colder temperatures came the snow. As my son watched the snow falling he looked up at me with big worried eyes. 

“Mama the poor Easter bunny is going to get cold feet in all that snow!”

So that smart bunny came inside and hid all those treats in our basement. A happy boy, and a happy bunny was all that mattered. 😃
This has been my submission to http:// lindaghill.com One liner Wednesday. Please check out her talent as well as everyone awesomeness who links up. Thank you. 💗

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One Liner Wednesday

My son is four and very literal and impressionable. He had an outing with his Dad and after a tear fest insued. I went to see what was the matter and in his choked up sobs this is what he told me. 

Me-“what’s wrong love?”

Son-“I’m sad!


Son-“Daddy won’t take me to crazy town….,because we live there!”

*This is our response when asked where anyone is going in our house-to crazy town.* Oh my poor, misunderstood, literal, child it’s tough being four. ❤️

This has been my submission to http://lindaghill.com One liner Wednesday. Please check out her creativity and all the other talent who link up. Thank you. 💓


One Liner Wednesday 

I’ve been enjoying some spring weather in my part of Canada and on Monday I went out geocaching with my husband and our youngest son. We had a set of stairs to climb and he eagerly conquered the challenge. His Dad and I were following closely behind when he reached the top stair. He turned around and yelled at the top of his lungs

“I’m king of the world !”
This has been my submission to https://Lindaghill.com One Liner Wednesday. Please check out her contribution, as well as all the other talent who link up. Thank you. 💓



One Liner Wednesday

Friendships are wonderful, having people you can rely on, help you smile, and give their support is a precious gift. 

Signs of spring sent to me by a sweet and thoughtful new friend. 💞

When that’s missing in ones life or is sporadic it’s very lonely indeed. So I leave you with this thought. 

“Be the kind of friend you’d love to have.” 

This is my submission to https://lindaghill.com for her One Liner Wednesday. Please check out her one liner and all the other talent that link up. Thank you. 💓


One liner Wednesday 

I’m thinking of a conversation I had with my three year old just recently. There’s a family joke in our house when someone asks where you’re going. The answer is always crazy town. So here’s our conversation. 

Son- “Where you going Mommy?”

Mom-“I’m going to crazy town, population one.”

Son- “Oh Mommy, you’re the mayor of crazy town!”

This is my life to be schooled by a preschooler. 😳 This is my submission to http://lindaghill.com One liner Wednesday. Check out her musings and all the other talent who link up. Thank you. 💗


Pink shirt day

This has been my submission to https://lindaghill.com One liner Wednesday. Today I support anti bullying awareness and advocate for my children always. 💞


One liner Wednesday

I’ve been thinking of what inspires me lately and I came across a beautiful quote. I will share it with you today.

“Who are you to judge the life I live?
I know I’m not perfect, and I don’t live to be.
But before you start pointing fingers make sure you’re hands are clean.”

-Bob Marley

This powerful quote is my submission to http://lindaghill.com One liner Wednesday. Please check out her talent and all the others that link up. Thank you. 💓

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Ode to my Mom

Elizabeth Louise was her name.
Loved by everyone who knew her.
Intrinsically gifted with humour and the gift of gab.
Zealous with her love, honesty, and faith.
Amazing with her glowing light of virtue and trust.
Beautiful beyond measure inside and out.
Eloquently soft spoken with a sharp wit.
Talented, gifted, devoted to the ones she loved.
Heart of gold, my best friend, and heroine of my dreams.

This is a poem for my beloved Mama. She was my gift, to my siblings, and the world. Today I wrote this poem for her as part of my Day 3 Blogging 201 assignment. The word trust was the prompt and in the acrostic form of poetry.




I’m so relieved I got through this day. I had two hockey games, six trips back and forth and stressful moments. I was finally home and then I went for a nice walk with my sister. We talked about life, love, and memories of our Dad.

He died six years ago today and I don’t know how that time passed. It felt like it stood still for me for a long time. I hold my breath waiting to exhale and heal from this grief. One thing I know is it takes one day at a time. And with great love comes great sorrow. I wonder who I’ll be without the grief, will I even recognize myself? All I know is I keep on living and being the best me I can be. And with that knowledge I know I honour his memory and heal my heart a little more each time.

So I’m thinking of him and enjoyed a nice dinner with my lovely sister and niece, and we toasted to him and all our wonderful memories. It’s so hard just having the memories to cherish, and not the person to hold. So many days, months, and years have passed and I found myself hanging onto precious moments. As they’re all I have now, which hurts more than having to say goodbye.

I pray I don’t forget his laughter, as he had a belly laugh that started at his toes and lifted you up in love and delight. He could curse a blue streak and smile mischievously, he could whistle a tune of anything he heard on the radio and know it by ear.

He loved with a heart as vast as the ocean and would give his shirt off his back to anyone who needed it. Even if it left him naked, and cold. He loved to be helpful and kind, and it’s from him that I learned to pay it forward regardless if there was any reciprocation. He gave with every ounce of his being and still wanted to give more! He taught me what it was to be a humanitarian and see the big picture of things instead of judgement.

I love, miss, cherish, and admire the man he was and the man he was becoming. Thinking of my Dad inspired this poem. Hugs to you in heaven Dad. I know it’s a better place up there with you in it. ❤️

This has been my submission to
https://lindaghill.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/wp_20150130_009.png for her Saturday Stream of Consciousness. The prompt was the opposite emotion. I chose the opposite of happy and wrote about sadness.




One Liner Wednesday

I’m not a perfect Mom, in fact I’m perfectly imperfect a fact I acknowledge and celebrate. So my language gets a bit colorful at times. So much so my son has said I needed a swear jar. Here’s a conversation that’s taken place recently.

Son- “Mom, here’s a jar for when you say bad words.”
Mom- (Takes jar sheepishly) “Ok son, thanks I think…”
Son- “So Mom if you fill this up we can do something special.”
Mom- “What’s that son?”
Son- “Swear away Mom, because we’re going to Disneyland!”