Jsack's Mom's Blog

Welcome to my blog where I share my special needs parenting journey with my heart, truth, and love, one story at a time. ❤️

Ten Things of Thankful-Some kind of wonderful

on October 18, 2016

It’s time to join up with the merry band of thankful crew. I’ve been on a little hiatus due to back to school craziness. It’s been a wild month of keeping track of all school responsibilities and I need to dive waist deep into some thankfulness. This is where my heart is and always will be whether in participating in the TTOT linkup or just reading all the wonderful talent that reside there. 

I’m thankful for having a more organized week and making each appointment and having my sitters lined up for the last week. My kids enjoy spending time with these special caregivers and I’m grateful for some me time and a date night with my handsome husband. 

I’m thankful for celebrating 11 years of marriage. There are times when life beats me down and I feel overwhelmed. I look towards my husband and he’s always there cheering me on and believing in my inner strength that I know I possess but need a reminder of when I’m feeling clouded by doubt. 

I’m thankful for the wonderful friendships I have in my life. I’m never without a kind word, strong shoulder, or zany sense of humour from my tribe. The real life friends make me feel so loved and appreciated. My online friendships have grown and have taught me to believe in myself and the power of my words. Words that can make a difference and be the change I wish to see in the world. 

I’m thankful for a successful week of charting and tracking my daily life habits. I’ve had 3 successful weeks of tracking my behaviours of food, mood, anxiety, sleep, and OCD I’m a journal. I’ve begun to see patterns of my behaviour that I can now work on changing and revitalize my self care regimen. 

I’m thankful for my behavioural therapist that I’ve been seeing for the last month. Cognitive behavioural therapy is the game changer in my life and I’m looking forward to more successes that I will accomplish with her support and expertise. 

I’m thankful for my sons doing well in school. It’s only been a month but they’ve both felt positive about being in their classrooms. Soon I will find out what funding is available for my youngest with autism and a teacher conference for my oldest to see how he’s doing in school. I’m proud of them both and the resilience and inner strength they’ve shown me. 

I’m thankful for a wonderful day spent at the women’s show. I met a lot of different vendors and listened to an amazing guest speaker. I sat in the sunshine and painted a wine glass and met some very interesting kind people. It was a rewarding day of being social followed by a 3 hour successful theatre practice. The most memorable part of my day was signing the poster asking the question in one word describing myself. I chose to say I’m inspirational and the loving energy that poured out of me from that moment onward was incredible. 

Speaking of theatre I’m thankful that I was cast in the lead role of the pantomime play! I was going to be brave and try out for a bigger role than in the previous years and I did. I’m memorizing a lot of dialogue, dances, and really enjoying my character. Performing is where my heart is when I’m on stage I feel like I’m invincible. 

I’m thankful for autumn days and walking along the river with leaves crunching under my feet. The pictures I take at this time of year thrill me as Mother Nature decorates these beautiful tapestrys of colour and wonder. 

I’m thankful for all things pumpkin now that it’s October. Halloween is a big deal in our household so let the dessert making and decorating commence. Stay tuned for guess what Halloween costume I’ll be wearing coming soon. 

16 responses to “Ten Things of Thankful-Some kind of wonderful

  1. herheadache says:

    Happy Anniversary to you and congratulations on getting that lead role. How exciting.
    Love that leaf crunching sound too and all things pumpkin.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 80smetalman says:

    Yes, happy anniversary to you and your husband. You achieved a lot this week, well done and the pics look really good. I can’t believe it’s October already. Where has 2016 gone?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. valj2750 says:

    I’m quite impressed with your journal writing. I’ve been tracking food (mostly) for years now. I’m interested in the other ways and habits you’ve been tracking. Congrats on 11 years together and you starring role!

    Liked by 1 person

    • jsackmom says:

      Thank you Val it’s really been game changing for me to see my behaviours laid out like that. It’s a really easy template to make up. I’ll post a picture in the group and tag you in it. I’m very excited about my starting role this season. And feel so blessed to celebrate 11 years with my love. 😃


  4. Kristi says:

    Lots of good things here, but what jumped out to me at the end was the idea of dialogue in a pantomime! I’m intrigued. . .

    Liked by 1 person

    • jsackmom says:

      Thank you Kristi, I’m having a wonderful time rehearsing for the panto. I’m a main character and I have a lot of lines to memorize. Singing, dancing, and entertaining makes my heart super happy. 😃🌟


  5. Lizzi says:

    Happy anniversary! I hope you have a lovely time celebrating. So glad back-to-school has gone well for you all, even though it’s been busy.

    HOORAY for your role in the panto – that’s awesome 😀 What are you playing?

    Liked by 1 person

    • jsackmom says:

      Thank you Lizzi it was a wonderful celebration. A lovely dinner, drive while admiring a beautiful sunset, and eating ice cream before our curfew was up. 😉 It’s been a busy back to school time but I feel like I’m getting a handle on things. The most fun is being in the panto I’m Goody Coddle. 😃

      Liked by 1 person

  6. J L Hunt says:

    A very good read… & congrats to you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Beautiful read. I feel the warmth in your post. Happy anniversary. There’s truly a whole lot to be thankful for

    Liked by 1 person

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