Jsack's Mom's Blog

Welcome to my blog where I share my special needs parenting journey with my heart, truth, and love, one story at a time. ❤️


on November 29, 2014

I have always been able to sense things whether it’s from people, animals, or situations. It’s been a gift that I’ve had as a child. Some may know it as being intuitive, highly sensitive, psychic, or empathic. Whatever you want to call it, the gift bestowed on me has governed my life. My beloved Mama, Gram, and her sisters knew of my ability. They knew of the dreams, vibrations, and auras I had seen. They protected me a lot as they knew not all children displayed these abilities. I didn’t share a lot about what I could sense to family or friends. I remember a friend who lost her sweet dog telling me she missed him so much. I said “why, he’s right there on your lap.” We didn’t talk for awhile after that, and her Mom contacted my Mom and I had to say I made it up to make her feel better. My Mom of course knew different, but in the end it was about protecting me about that knowledge. I did really see the dog on my friends lap, just like I seen my beloved dog Bo after my bus driver ran him over. I’ve seen my great Grandma without knowing who she was, since she passed when I was 3 years old. I was looking through my brothers photo album and saw her picture, so I told my Mom that lady with the pink hat has tea with me and my dollies. Having this sense of knowing things before they happen, dreaming of loved ones that have died, and feel vibrations from people when they talked or stood next to me, could be unnerving at times. To me it was normal and my Mom, Gram, and her sisters never treated me any differently. Because they knew what this was like as they were the same as children. I still have a cousin that has regular visit from our clan up above. And knowing that and having my contact with them is comforting. I couldn’t explain to a lot of people what that felt like to just see my beloved parents in dreams or in reality, and know I couldn’t keep them with me. This sensing they’re around me brings me joy, hearing my Gram’s voice singing along with mine, while I’m singing Danny Boy is a beautiful gift. I never shared this sense while I was growing up either out of fear of ridicule. It wasn’t till I was in my 20’s and I moved to a new town that I found people like me. With even more powerful abilities and I remain steadfast friends with them to this day. I belonged to a meditation group for 5 years led by the most charismatic, gifted woman I’ve ever met. They became my family, my tribe, and my life line as my heart was being buffeted by the winds of change. I’ve always had this sense that I’m destined for great things. God has willed it for me from the family I have, people I’ve met, friendships that I’ve made, and like minded souls I’ve connected with online. I don’t feel weird anymore, and I’m not scared to talk about this gift I was born with. Being aware and embracing this sense has influenced my life greatly. I know when I’m supposed to avoid something or someone, I know when the right time to travel is, I even know when there’s a police car around. So this sense has been life saving, life altering, and life giving to me and my loved ones. I’ve even passed it down to my sons as they sense vibrations, dream, and see things that others don’t. And I protect them just like my beloved Mom and Gram protected me. I also teach them to never be ashamed of who they are or what they see. This sense is passed down from many generations on my Mom’s side of the family tree. My Gram called the all knowing Irish eye, and it’s a gift that we have been blessed to have. So I’m thankful for my Irish heritage that has been apart of me before I was even born. And my ancestors that blessed me with this incredible sense.

This has been my submission to http://lindaghill.com Saturday Stream of Consciousness. Check out her creativity with the prompt (sense, cents) and all the other talent that link up. Smooches and hugs to you. ❤️


10 responses to “Sense

  1. Well done. That was great to read. I have a bit of an eye myself and it’s a gift, but it does make you feel “weird” sometimes.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nyree Grindle says:

    Hey sweety one of my favorite things about you is you ability to know things. God gives people many gifts you are one of mine. Always a good read. Hugs and love from k town.

    Liked by 1 person

    • jsackmom says:

      Aww you’re so beautiful and kind to me. Thank you so much my dearest Nyree. You fill my heart to the brim. Loads of love and blessings sent your way. 💗💗💗💗😘


  3. That is a wonderful gift, but more than anything I love the healthy way in which you have embraced it. So many fight it off – it’s a shame. You’re lucky to have been brought up in such an understanding home.

    Liked by 1 person

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